This is what I'm listening to on the Beats this am...the best of them Eagles ...lawdy, they were many great tracks...the one that I am featuring today is Desperado of Rolling Stones top 500 songs...really... You know that is was never ever released as a single ?...this was the days of the album having nothing but good lieu of oldsters know what I'm referring to...and good enough for others to record it...we call them 'covers'...which I like a lot...good songs...sung by others... I REALLY dig this... The best were by... Linda Rondstadt ...terrific version... Johnny Cash , with a background vocal of Don Henley (orig)....and gulp, Miranda Lambert ...really...she did good on Horse...there were others, but this is the cream thus far... A movie of the same name came out some years after... starring Anthony Banderas and that dude from the Sopranos...the guy with bad teeth....ha ha...and the Tex Mex looker, Salma ...