Red Luck
You may find this funny...but...maybe was senior citizens day out at Del Mar. know, the races ...and what they offer is free admission and free seats to all of US seniors is I bought right in on the extravaganza... There is a gate for the senior's admission ...and get this, they figure if you are bold enough to pass through it, you must be one of them elders...they do it by looks...some offer their ID, and they say put it away...and off you go... Take two escalators up to the 3rd may have to shove your way through those who are using canes and walking devices...I mean you have to get the best seats...clearly marked is the SENIOR SEATS , like, that away...from sections 12-18...and yup, there are a whole gaggle of whitesh and grayish haired peops all over those areas... I captured a couple of 'em, using my buddy is going to be late, and I'm saving it for him problem...and then it happened... This group of 7 ladi...