
Showing posts from September 22, 2019

The Plot Thickens

Nothing like the smell of hotcakes in the morning...the beauty of living where we the trendy breakfast spot in the Gaslamp District, Richard Walker's Pancake House , is on the street level of the, the condo... in reality, we are in the Marina District ...a few blocks away from the fabled, just for generality sake, I use the GQ...easier for folks to find and recognize...and yes, oh by the way, the food is awesome and a must do while in the city ... There are so many times that I am surprised by whom actually read me blog ...a lady friend came up to moi last eve, and said that she does...not every time , but it dependeth on the title I give for the day....hmmm, interesting... I need to be more creative, I reckon ...gets a bit hard to do, when I write most every day...but, I will give it the old post collegiate try... The plot thickens ...rumor mill from within the White House...why do the leaks appear so very often, anyway?...this trust thi...

Feeling Stronger

Hey, out there in the great fresh air of the United States of America ...this week just keeps right on a chugging along... if you are a political junkie , then this is YOUR we decipher this days givings...of course, the Horse has some curious points...ah, to talk about...regardless if you are with him, or again to speak... The phone call ...some say (well, Donny does) it was the perfect call the Ukraine know the story by now...and the subsequent 'whistleblower' report ...made by, well, the identity is under protection...which in itself is mighty, it appears that nothing is protected...unless, you are speaking in behalf of the present inhabitant of the White House...who allows you, or them, to plead the 5th...or carry a piece of paper that says they will not, cuz the Prez said to...not talk...I digress... The day after, the VERY day after ... Mueller stood on the Congressional floor and didn't he ...

The Here and Now

Breaking news ...the 'whistleblower' is reported to be a CIA Agent , assigned to the White House...ah, this is according to Google News ... Morning all...the electricity of the Congress at work you feel it?... many may be dismayed ...others will find it invigorating and fascinating ...I am of the latter ...the issue at hand, is the impeachment of a sitting president the polarized parties, hash out what is at their hands...and eyes and ears...I wonder how many of them react to what their constituents are saying to them?...or, just continuing on their party lines?...again, I think the latter ... Pictured is the (acting)  Director of National Intelligence...Joseph Maguire on the House floor...think he is rethinking his acceptance of the job?... The last week has been the House of Reps have a 'whistleblower report' to scan and figure out...well, we all has been all over the web net this am....did you read what they put...

And So It Begins

A very 'top of the morning' to ya'll...I am up like real early...and have spent oodles of time reading and thinking about just what went down yesterday in the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi , gave a speech to the USA and to the World, that the House was going to begin an Impeachment Inquiry into Trump ...the magnitude of the moment... less than 5 times in the HISTORY of the country has this been done ...has such significance that we must sit up and take notes... The ramifications of the inquiry ...the procedure set forth...the sifting through whatever they have for evidence...what will be shielded by this his unequivocal demand that he has the ultimate  safe guard for a sitting prez, 'executive privilege' ...the mere numbers of Democrats involved in the idea that he shall be removed from the office... and so it begins ... How much of this, will be partisan?. ..will the Republicans, blindly follow him?...just because he is of...

Natty Voter Registration Day

I think that this day has quite the significance...put forth for those who have yet done the 'personal right' VOTE ...have the voice that you carry...and mark down what YOU think...who should govern us, what laws show be put into place, and where OUR money shall be spent...way too often people say in despair, 'my vote doesn't count'...wrong, is a collaborative effort of ALL our votes that drives our cities, states, and nation...if you are not yet registered, do so today, on National Voter Registration Day ...BTW, who came up with the spelling of registration?... Real or fake? the plot thickens in the Trump/Ukraine pipeline of monies and info needed situation... the 'Whistleblower'...gate ...did he say this, or didn't he?....the numbers are increasing in Congress, not favoring the Impeachment Probe is looming...Nancy Pelosi, herself, a vote away from bringing the House to attention, and of course, the World at its, ...

Monday Quickee

Morning, kids...just a brief one...have an early tee time...FORE!...some passing thoughts, before I skedaddle out the door... Johnny Mathis still sings like his CD's...unbelievable! favs of the nite?...Misty and The Twelfth of Never...Marsh liked 99 miles to many to choose from...backed by an orchestra...just a marvelous evening...we had seats in the 4th row...perfect... The Ducks have moved up to 13th in the Cook?...can you imagine what the vacationers are doing now, that your tour over 130 years of experience...flat out FOLDED!...left you stranded wherever...hey, they have their own planes, to boot...based out of Britain...oh my, it has really happened... The Apprentice admitted talking to the Ukrainians about Biden...OK, Congress, what else do you need?... I did get the Red Zone...the ONLY way to watch the the Horse on this... I could be biased, but didn't the Charger's QB Phillip Rivers show his age y...

'Turn Out The Lights'

'Turn out the lights, the party is over...' it was sung by the legendary Dandy Don Meredith of the trio on Monday Nite Football...the 'must see' NFL game of the week...he was with Frank Gifford and the contentious Howard Cosell the game was out of team whupping the other, and Don would sing his tune...recall that kids?... we had a group that would meet up at Shakeys Pizza, to watch the game. times...but, I digress... As I have told you, probably way too much...I enjoy viewing the WSU Cougs play football...their coach, Mike Leach , is as innovative as they come...well now, last nite seemed no they were hosting Chip Kelly's winless UCLA Bruins ...I could say 'hapless' , which might be a better descriptive word...the Cougs were dancing thru the game... up a bundle, like 30+ ...and the Horse starting singing 'Turn out the lights...' ...which I did...and went nite nite... I am up this fine Sunday, ...