The Plot Thickens
Nothing like the smell of hotcakes in the morning...the beauty of living where we the trendy breakfast spot in the Gaslamp District, Richard Walker's Pancake House , is on the street level of the, the condo... in reality, we are in the Marina District ...a few blocks away from the fabled, just for generality sake, I use the GQ...easier for folks to find and recognize...and yes, oh by the way, the food is awesome and a must do while in the city ... There are so many times that I am surprised by whom actually read me blog ...a lady friend came up to moi last eve, and said that she does...not every time , but it dependeth on the title I give for the day....hmmm, interesting... I need to be more creative, I reckon ...gets a bit hard to do, when I write most every day...but, I will give it the old post collegiate try... The plot thickens ...rumor mill from within the White House...why do the leaks appear so very often, anyway?...this trust thi...