
Showing posts from June 30, 2024


Listening and hearing about the unbelievable HEAT that most of the country is going thru...egads...100* +...what the heck?... it was 92* out at Singing Hills, too ...yesterday...BUT, here in the Marina District, in downtown San Diego... we are in the 70's, you can guess the outcome of that...we are slammed with people from inland...especially the fat cats from Arizona... Which, coincidentally, have their beloved Snakes in town to take on the Friars ... the crowd was the most ever for a Padre game...over 47,000! ...and all were treated to a donnybrook... SD was up 7-2 in the 9th...and lo and behold, the DBacks came alive and hit 2 dingers, one a grand salammy...and we were down 8-7 ...and the Arizoneans in the park, were going bat shit, rocking our near flawless closer...the Horse had had enough...turned the game off and went to bed...downtrodden... talk about the weather...I am officially a fair weather fan, here came back the Friars in the bottom of the 9th...

Happy 4th!

The festivities are HOT here at the home...big party for the celebrate the 4th of July...known as Independence Day ...the federal holiday for the United States... the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain ...back in 1776...Snooki, were you there?... well, it's the time we gather and make wooppee... we toss our rockers, and boogie...that's right ...the Horse and Boss, figure on breaking the diet a bit...hopefully, a hot dog or on the menu ...please no Mexican food, that seems inappropriate, Larry.. .somehow, we got hornswoggled into decorating the deck...putting MAGA flags all the forevers can boast up their Bozo ...egads, I turned this into a political thang...stop that... Let's talk...Prez B met with 20 influential governors yesterday...and they came away with the fact that Joe is staying pu t...hmmm... the latest polls say, if Michelle Obama was to run, she would win by 11 points! aware, Demos .. .the latest rumor, i...

Get Up and Boogie

Get up and boogie...that's right! ... ah, the rad days of driving out to Singing Hills, listening to a song...that has but few words...that's right, Singing Hill's Songs ...which took me back to the mid-70's in me brain...almost 50 years hence....when there was this hot form of vinyl...we called it DISCO! know, you all mouth horned 'Disco Duck' ...or, tried to... The Bee Gees falsetto voices. ..the slicked up sound of the flick's music of 'Saturday Night Fever' ...and all of us, like the Horse too, tried their hand at dancing...(other than the round dance)...guess that should be feet not hand...the beat, it was the beat... Boogie! many songs that had that in their title...anyhoo, the reason for me talking about that I heard this song 'Get UP and Boogie' on the XM...lawdy, it is infectious...then realized there were but a few words in the I could sing it... 'That's Right' ...the title, the that...

The Essence of Power

Not to my surprise, SCOTUS , finally stepped up and decided what to do with trump's motion for total immunity...for a President...while in the control of the USA...the finality of it all, was not fact, they waited until the final day that they were to make alter any chance for a rebuttal... BEFORE the election of this year ... sinister?...yes...are we the people, at the mercy of a very few?...yes ...and their decision to give trump his immunity, it opens up a very scary scene for any President to have at his or her disposal.... The name of King or Queen is being bantered about ...which in the case of trump, he wants to be the supreme ruler of this land...well, he may get that... BUT, right now, he has almost completed the task of covering his tracks...when he last squatted in the White House... to erase all of his many brutal attacks on our Constitution... SCOTUS .... at one time, and most all was the court of courts...that was the best in t...

The Decision Sunday?

Heard it from a very good source...well, I read this...and it is a doozy...that there is a meeting of the minds, in the Biden, this fine figure out what comes next for the candidate ... keep on, keeping on?...or, step down and let others persevere ...must be a heart wrenching decision...not exactly sure, who is there...that info, is not for the public...ah, at this tuned to your bat hear the breaking soon as later on in the day.... Date we went to a Sushi restaurant...yes, the Horse was going to try it...not a's a place called 'Lumi' ...directly across from where we first lived in the Gaslamp...and when I say 'directly across' it is no joke...we looked directly into our unit...this restaurant was not there when we lived there...anyhoo, the food was simply...GRAND!...Horse loved it!...we had 3 different rolls, one was gratis...this is not the average 'Cali Roll' that one ge...