
Showing posts from April 24, 2022

Hot Topics

Geez, that sounds like a perfect opening for a blog post, right?... HOT TOPICS! ...actually, it is a come on for the show, The View that Boss Lady rarely misses...and will talk with them (well, shout at the pixels) , the hosts, as they are spewing their sides to the stories...wouldn't it be great, if they gave her a seat at the table... Whoopi and the gang ...let's get it on... In such a remarkable contrast to the nite before, the NBA playoff game of the Wolves and the Grizzlies ...both teams running powerful offenses, and switched up defenses...obviously well coached 100% better than the Mavs/Jazz embarrassment...the Grizzlies won and another small market team is having, they take on...the Golden St pick for the winner in the west...Tennessee in the west?...oh well, whatever... The HOT Pads won again on the road...this time in Pitt...the HOT bats, were a bit silenced and the other dudes stepped up...all this, as we await the return of...


The obvious question that most people ask others, 'what are you watching right now?' the days of the regular , ah, CBS, NBC, and ABC conglomerate shows are  NOT the chosen probably is a series...on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Hoodoo (wait, Hulu), and other sources like that...Apple +...good chance it is a series...the first I could recall that was like that 'The Sopranos' there are so many, we have to ask others, what has struck your fancy lately?... The NFL I suggested, my interest stopped at Thibodeaux...went number 5 for the Giants...did read that the round 1 was filled with wide receivers...and just one QB?...odd, huh...and the first 5 guys chosen were defensive dudes... The Padres swept the Redlegs...I am not one of the guys, who takes that like 'ho hum' so many years past, we would lose's a sign...of improvement...on to Pitt and our next test... Wonder what really goes on in Putin's brain?...he is...


Some of you out there, are just as NUTSY as I am over the perfect sound system ...if I can find something better, I go after latest is the SONOS system...I like to have sound bouncing throughout the room...seemingly out of 5 speakers, as the producers, directors, or whomever puts their stuff together...the Dolby, there is a new product, Dolby ATMOS ...which I can only hear on Apple +...which is, in fact, awesome... Unless you have the funds to create your very own TV room , as called by many a 'man cave' ... your search for perfection has limits ...don't even get me started on how to connect all the gadgets to create your dreamy ear sensation...hoping you have enough inputs to handle everything...and also, your TV has to be up to date, to allow the ATMOS to go thru it...seems like the 'sound experts' would have a leg up on this stuff...what I have found is that they are learning, just as we are... Well,, anyway, gone are the huge speakers that ...

Expect Greater?

There is a fine line between EXPECTING GREATER and LOWERING YOUR EXPECTATIONS ...kind of like the glass of water, half full or half empty?...ah, the bloody stock it has been dreadful...saw some bloke who was trying to make a name for himself, by declaring a recession is imminent...and others who say we are set for a big you expect greater, or think lower?... The daily life of you or me ...waking up and dreading the day?...or, thinking that this is gonna be a stupendous one?...the nite before's problems... 'sleep on it' it really better?...time heals most problems, so it seems...thus, sleeping for 6-8 hours HAS to help, right?... I'm one that is the next day is going to be remarkable...sure, you can dwell on the past, but c'mon...we must live the days we have...brightly... Imagine the lives of those who inhabit Ukraine ...attacks, bombs. missiles, Russian infantry, and a daily does of death...all around them...what type of expectation...

Let's Revisit 'WOKE'

BREAKING NEWS ... VP Kamala Harris has been tested positive for Covid 19...what is more alarming, is that she has had her shots, and her two boosters, to boot... we are all at risk, still, kids ... The terminology used quite often in all of the news services... 'WOKE' ...people glance over it and think, I suppose, what it means...think they know what it means...the Horse has done this prior, but it is something worthy of redoing...there has been usage of 'WOKE POLICE', 'WOKE BRIGADE', 'WOKE CULTURE', 'STAY WOKE', 'WOKETOPIANS' , and there are others... The past tense of wake...kind of gets it going...I woke up...but the latest usage probably, and I do say probably, started in the release of a song by Erykah Badu , 'Master Teacher' 2008...where she used a phrase in her song, with passion 'I stay WOKE' ...with reference to racial awareness...and it caught on... The dictionaries try to cover the definition...often us...


Polls are just polls...depends on who is asked...let's see, I am an elder...and have never ever been asked in a poll, what I thought...who I, the polls are dependent on who 'they' ask....I marvel at all the TV stations who rely on the tallies...and yet, I don't believe any of them...never have, never will...if one did, in France, you'd a thunk that Macron was up to his chin in problems...not so, in reality, as he won the election yesterday... The ultra right here in the US would have you believe that trump is ahead, in their polls...probably, depending on who they ask...but, what is the reality?...shoot, the bloke will be soon crucified for his attempted coup...of course, his forevers will doubt the many of them were involved...well, some of the infamous pro hoopster, and cool headed Luke, Sheed Wallace, bellowed out to the referees...'ball don't lie' the TeeVee world, the 'eye don't lie'...w...


There is this slang term for a winning run in is termed 'Walk Off' ...which ends the game for the home team...up front, let's tell you that the Padres WON the overtime game vs the Bloody Bums, via that method ...tied up the series at one each...let's get into the OT thang...that MLB has been using for a couple of years now...tested in the minors prior... To stop the potential 20 innings of tied up games, the OT rule was installed ...that in the 10th inning, the play would start with the last out of the 9th, on 2nd base...kind of the version of OT that the collegiate football uses, starting a series on the 20 yd it?... LA first ...the key play was a fly ball to LF, that our guy, Profar, caught and threw their runner out, trying to advance to 3rd...huge play...ZERO runs scored by the Bums... SD, next ...what we rarely did last season when in this position...a new manager, and a new outlook...bunted the runner to 3rd...and then, the batter, Nola, ...