The Lights Are Out
Well now, the Government is indeed... SHUT DOWN! the Demos did their thang, and vetoed the continuance of monies to keep the country working ...there you go, our MONEY voting elected officials...them Senators...thought it be better to stop everything, rather than pass the bill to flow the bills...truth be known, the blokes and blokettes did NOT go home...they stayed and are working on an alternate plan to get the pais back up and running... 'what can you do for moi?' ...I'd scrap them all... The Women's March ...supposed to be everywhere in this fine nation, here in the downtown...I'm confused... are there going to be opposition marches? ...for and against abortion?, right to choose?...and it says, that women only?...Prez T is to address the march in DC...I dunno, I can't believe that the one here in SD would want him speaking to them...he just may be the reason for them gathering and a walking... The Pats and Jags game in...