As we get ourselves ready for the upcoming cold season ...hmmm, not so much here...but, elsewhere...dang it, it does get coldish here for awhile...decent at night...in sunny SoCal...well, south SoCal ...one has to search for their sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, and or whatever ...you would not believe the amount of people that love the concept of wearing North Face gear around here...yes, the Horse even wears his stocking cap...especially inland, as it does get down to the 30's... part of the peeling process. ..by the time the round is finished, am in shorts and golf shirt... Is it cotton, FLEECE , polyester, or some new miracle fabric that we adorn ourselves with?...the latest trend?.. .hoodies on the golf sweater ...cool...I'm a huge fan... Cosmo made it back safe and sound, albeit, somehow he (we) lost the window washer nozzle on the right side. ..never had that happen before ever...in all me rigs...weird...trying to find a replacement is not easy...just the name of it...