
Showing posts from October 9, 2022

The Upshot of Sports

We built this city...for?...there are those that say that sports have no effect on a city, town, area, state, school ...I heard that often when I was in me all fired up, as that was what I was all about...moods...pride...cause and effect...we felt it...listen, people need to be uplifted...DIGNITY of where they live, go to school, ah, just hang truly is amazing to see...when the local team (s) do well...the aura about is beautiful...the days seem brighter...the smiles are all about you...yes, YOU can just FEEL the difference...'how about them ________!'...this is happening right now here in south SoCal...with our baseball team, the Padres... The last team in...the playoffs ...ranked the same by ALL the pundits and the Vegas chance for the Friars...the Mets will knock them out in the 1st round in a sweep...oops, wrong...this after the NY mgr decided to rest his best pitcher for the next opponent, the Bums...assuming an easy series with th...

There's Nothing To Do

Nostalgia time ... how many times when we were young...ha really...and we cried out 'There's nothing to do' ...teeny, we popped into the car...and went out...just out...picked up a girl or boy and went down to 'The Gut' know, where 'everyone' went...when there was nothing to do...of course, prior to washed your own rig...there was no drive thru thangs then...vacuumed it out, with your mom's had to be was like going on a date, but not...ya even cleaned yourself up....put on your best Levi's...white tee and either a Pendleton shirt, or a V neck sweater...Chuck Taylor tennies, or penny you went to 'The Gut'...where you drove around and around and see and be to stop at a real drive in...where the gals would come out on roller skates to take and deliver your order...burger, fries, and a root beer...oh, the times...wanna go back? ...

Goose Laid a GOLDEN Egg

Oh my, the different dialogues going on right the Friars upended their nemesis Clayton Kershaw, and his Bums ...with the identical score of the nite before...5-3...Yu. although not spectacular...held on...the relief corps was splendid...and the Padres flew right out of LaLa Land, with a split...the highlight, or the lowlight, depending on your affiliation...was the goose who squatted in the OF for a couple of pitches... YES, she laid a GOLDEN PADRE egg on their turf ... Which means... TWO games at Petco in front of the home folk ...the 1st is maƱana and it will be a beaut...we have our most hot pitcher going in Blake Snell...fingers crossed...oh what a nite to behold... The Coup Committee is reconvening this in the am, our idea who is on the docket, but isn't it just great that Fonny (Fake donny) has to squirm again...yup... A sign of the times? ...we went to a Target and their supplies were either missing or depleted...weird...had a real shock...

Designer Jeans

Still the rage?...designer jeans! ...wasn't that long ago, you could spend over a $100 bucks for a pair of jeans...what?... some double that... I dunno kids, if you bought 'em at Costco, you could get some mighty fine ones, for under $20...the Horse?...still wears Levis ...but get this...I wear shorts 98% of the time down here in south SoCal...and I am not kidding...that and flip I do have jeans, ready for the cold season...which is in December, I think...and some's true, it is different weather in this much diff from Orygun... We have been here for about 17-18 years now...the condo living suits us ...walk everywhere...24 hr security...good close to mass transit, ie, 5 minutes to the airport...the longest drive I have is to the golf course, 25 minutes each way....and we are only on the 5th out of 35 we use the deck know, not too high...the CVS is 3 blocks are getting me drift...too convenient ...

Dancing in the Moonlight

You know I think I used this as a title way back when...but, age fades one's memory, it's more of a possibility than reality...the song, by King Harvest , was a memorable ditty that still rings in me head... what I was getting at, is that the Boss and I traversed down to the Gaslamp Quarter after we finished with dindin amigos the Mackles...listen, kids...we are too old for this... at Barleymash ...sinful, as we danced in the Moonlight ...the amazing thing? street people...what?...and yup, there was a huge moon this what the Natives call a 'harvest moon?' ...perfect for Native Americans Day...this is a long winded, worded, special amount of events that made us what we, are... My 23 sources ...are driving home the Putin War he continues to bomb Ukraine...the Horse thinks that he is on his last legs as dictator of the country...the Kremlin is gonna give him a pink slip, soon...and a one way trip to Siberia.... How about them Padres! ......


How about them apples, er peaches! ...what a stunner...the 'worst' ranked team in the playoffs... the San Diego Padres ...had the audacity to go into the Big Apple, er, New York...and beat the highly heralded, Mets...this was the final game...the winner takes all...and the pitching and hitting of the Friars coincided quite nicely, thank you... Joe Musgrove was on his game much so, that the Met's Mgr Buck (rhymes with what?) Showalter...tried and DID get the umps to check out how Musgrove was mowing his troop down...'eargate'...didn't work...his boys continued on...getting but ONE hit...ha's over and on the trip to LaLa Land to face another HUGE obstacle...the Bums...this was PEACHY KEEN! ... In the next set of will be best of 5 some of 'em will be right here in God's land...this will be so much fun... This is Native American Day...October 10 ...the latest interpretation is now 'Indigenous People's Da...

Light My Fire

Fire me up! is what I think of these games on Saturday...some absolute telling directions of the programs...where do I start?... let's go with my sneak pick of the week ... Texas A&M over 'Bama ... as The Tide did win, 24-20 ...BUT, the Aggies were on the Alabama 2 yd line as time ran out...of all the plays in their book...has to be like 200, right?...the OC called his worst...even if completed, it would have been short...pressure does that, kids...STILL, if you took my pick, you got like 20 something points and you would have WON!... The Ducks are for real ...had 49, er, 7 TD's by the 3rd Q...all on the ground...go figure their nemesis site to play in tempe, Arizona...well, regime...then UO rested their starters, and that was that...UCLA DID beat Utah, as I told Snooki to go that way...Chip's Bruins are dang good...and the match up between UO/UCLA in 2 weeks will be a Autzen, where it never rains... The Beavs came from ...