
Showing posts from October 25, 2015

Monster Mash

                                         I was working in the lab, late one nite                                           When my eyes beheld an eerie sight Morning's Halloween! ...such a magical day...well, sort me, it's the real turn of the know, like back to the low 70's...there's a chill in the to find me a KNOW, that type of change... Breaking news out of the middle east...a Russian plane went down shortly after takeoff...bound to St Petersburg...from a Red Sea Resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai...all aboard...dead...224 something...tragedy...and to think, just a month or so back, the kids were there doing the same type of flight...stay outta there... Scientology're familiar with this, right?......


Dennis Yost and the Classics 4 ...right?...which could also be the name for the the raw and macabre events of it...were downright bizarre...maybe, Spooky ... As we arrived at DelMar for Opening Day, Part Deux...and fresh from having an absolutely mahvelous home brewed mint julep...prepared by my betting cohort, Andy...we stumbled (literally) into stage one... Marilyn, Clark, and Lucy ...well, now...and we get a photo with them...I should tell you that there were about 10-20 people taking the same shots of us...well, them...BTW, they were in their best impersonations to boot...spoke like them and all... Now, for the spooky side ...I was reluctant to bet the Pick 5 it appeared to have a few of the races that were less than good horses in them...I call them dog races...yet...mustered up a tix...and sure enough...was in the hunt...again...hit the first 4 and had 4 going in the final ...euphoria?...Delmar never showed the probable payoffs...what?...Andy found them on...

So Much To Say

There is so much fodder on this special Thursday...well, it's OPENING DAY , part two...out at Del Mar was yesterday that got me a going...imagine this, CH watching a debate in lieu of a World Series game... Calm down kids...I'm not much interested in the games...I am in the politics ...and had been looking forward so much to this the battle for the top spot in the Repubs has been swaying back and forth between Ben and the Donald ...and I had high expectations that Trump would attack Carson...hmmm, not so... Turns out, since CNBC held the debate was a DISASTER! ...and the moderators were in their own attack mode ...with belligerent questioning that had me aghast...and I'm from the other side! of the candy men ripping on one another, they ripped the questioners...dang...and the Prez wannabes almost seemed like on a love fest... Who won it? ...tuff thing is for sure, Ben did not ...his charisma is on the lower end of...

Wednesday Morn

Just a quickie here... I am heading out to the links! ...gonna give it a go...step and drag...ha ha...we'll see...haven't played since I went to Nashville... Did you like game one of the WS? ...I fell asleep...and found out later that KC won...when I started to doze, each team had their ancient mariners on the mound, 42 yr old B Colon for the Mets, and 36 (?) yr old Chris Young for the Royals...BTW, never, ever, saw Young pitch like that for the Pads... 2 of the 3 NBA opening niters...Cleve seemed to coast in their loss to Chicago...I forgot that the Bulls got a new me, makes them much better...and I liked the last one...just a better fit...and the GS (champs) stuck it to the Pelicans, or whatever NO is called now...Curry is amazing... I'll write later...after I return from golfing... fingers crossed kids...that I don't pull the calf again...

It's a Great Day

Welcome back, kids...yesterday was my biggest hit ever ... EVER! ...over a hundred reads ...I am so thankful that you all read...and I hope you are returning today...I do this most ever single's just a peak into me mini mind... B.S not the swear words...but the bloke on the of them judges... Blake Shelton ...well, this guy has been making country music for some time...many years....and way back when, I questioned why he didn't win any of the country award thingers...well, not now...he wins all the time...and he just released a best of CD...20 tracks's kind of been lost due to Carrie's new CD and Adele's "Hello" me on is GREAT!...some of you may rediscover to'll thank me later... I am still gimpy's taking longer for my calf to heal...and so I had to pass on golf today...this, my friends, pretty much kills me...we did step and drag out to the beach yesterday...80*...

Monday Decaf

Let's just say that this entire week is dedicated to the scream zone , er Halloween ...this is the fun time prior to the Xmas one...that starts up next I not right? fact, I have already seen Christmas light kidding... There is no bigger fiasco in pro football than that is happening in San Diego ...yup, right the owners have belligerently tried to mask their final season in the southland...throw up ridiculous numbers of sold season tix...and then...get the most embarrassing results...the visitor teams have dominated the Q with their the Raider fans treated the stadium as if it were a home game for them... The stubborn locals came out of the game, FUMING! ...not only for the pathetic effort of the team , but more so for the numbers of tix that were inhabited by the Oakland fans...they said the noise was deafening...some local TV stations were candid, too...filming the peops...and their was worse...

Trust The Line

Like in the...betting line...what do these cats know?...No Mas...said the they got their butts handed to them by the USC Trojans ...just like the odds guys said...hmmm... always look at the line , I tell you... It is said that Chargers and Raiders are going to share a stadium in the next few years up in Carson...well now, they are sharing one today ...out at the Q...and get this...the bulk of the fans are Raiders...they are used to the vagabond they were in LA a few years back...could care less... The Beavers ...unable to beat the Buffs...I told you to take the point...looks to me, as they have quit ...real tough on the 1st year coach... Speaking of the old know, Mike Riley ...he is having a disastrous year at Nebraska ...has lost 4 real close games...imagine the boo birds a flocking in the midwest...not a fan... I did watch a lot of college games there a more boring style of play than that of Alabama? ...Baylor in anoth...