
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

The Mighty Carnac

Wouldn't you just know...the pix...the Horse pix...were right on yesterday...OK, 100%! A+...ha ha...resorted to me inner Mighty Carnac for the predictions...yes, Miami, UNC, Cans-ass, and of course, the stupendous St. Peter' a feeling that my phone is gonna ring off the them prognosticators begging for tips on the elite 8...'ring off the hook?'...geez, who has a land line anymore...not moi...don't you fret none, as I will give them to ya'll before too long... How about now?...Villanova over Houston (?), and Duke over not bet these... The Padres played the bloody Bums in the desert yesterday...kissing your sister finish...5-5 OT, in the Cactus know, if one wanted to not have extended games in the regular season, why not have ties?...they do in hockey and soccer...just witnessed the same in the match play in golf...why not?... Putin has let it out that the phase 1 of his war is now over...which means wh...

50 Percent

Isn't 50% a failure? be the Horse picks for the night in the Big Dance was just Villanova and Houston right on...but, missed the Arkansas win over the everyone else in the country, except the people from the Razorback state...and Coach K winning another...what was I thinking?... Kansas and Arkansas...what on earth?...why is Arkansas, pronounced Ar-can-saw? lieu of Ar-kansas?...or, why not Kansas, Can-saw? English experts, give me an answer... Let's try this for today...the last 4 games...Can-saw over Providence, UNC over UCLA, Miami over Iowa St, and of course, Saint Peter's over anyone else...ah, this time Purdue...shouldn't that be, Purrdew?... Mitch said he would not vote to endorse Ms. Jackson for the SCOTUS spot...duh...he and the trio of foos, Blackburn, Graham, and Teddy Cruz...and probably the rest of the Repub block... When we host new peops into our area of the world...we take them on the Kramerica times...


There is this conglomerate of Nations, formed after WWII...that helps protect the members from out of control leaders such as Hitler, Mussolini, and now Putin ...I bring this up, as Prez B is meeting with them as I write this am... NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ...also called the North Atlantic Alliance... made up of 28 European countries and 2 North American countries (Canada and the USA) ...just in case you didn't know what this is...we all get lost in anagrams, and assume we know... If one of the members is attacked, then they all are Putin is so close to Poland, a member of you see, the plot thickens...the preparation is there... as NATO has stated that, it has the numbers of troops ready to defend and go on the offensive ...this of course, means we will be in WWIII ... Scary?...yup Putin is dangling his country and the World with unparalleled destruction and human deaths... Just thought you ought to know... Moving on... Bizarre bench decoru...

Perpetually Pathetic

As I ran a feature of the potential new SCOTUS member yesterday... Ketanji Brown Jackson ...the grilling of her by the Senate members... the questions were as PERPETUALLY PATHETIC as they are themselves ... a disgrace to the profession see, they gather in a conference out who is going to ask what...and let the show begin...dancing all around the fact that she is black...but the insinuation is there... trying in vain to have her trip up SOMEWHERE ... The leaders of the assault are the norms...the same repulsive bunch of negative characters ... Marsha Blackburn, Lindsey Graham, and of course, Teddy Cruz that he made it out of Montana...not exactly sure how this lady can withstand just unleashing on the foos...I guess it is part of the process...wonder if these 3 run back their performances when they get back in their offices?...can they be proud?... The Putin War ...he is now threatening harsher his troops on the ground are not advancing as quickly a...

Judge Jackson

I can think back to maybe 4 Senatorial grilling of potential Supreme Court Judges ... the GRILL ... is by the block of Senators that the candidate is NOT part of ...well, nominated by the opposing party of that sitting President...clear?...kind of...the fact that no human is perfect, is absolutely evident in the questioning...nobody... The process itself, is archaic ... the Grillers, who themselves are filled with imperfections, seek out the flaws of the potential SCOTUS member was the way of the Democrats as they questioned the trump ones...shoot, one year, the Republicans blocked any Prez O candidate for a full year...never got to the point of prosecution (well, it is)... The current person up for the court, is a black female judge...Ketanji Brown Jackson ...seemingly a solid candidate for the position...and if you are interested, you can can hear and watch the absurdity of some of the questions posed to her.. .CRT will be one for sure...Critical Race Theory ...someone doesn...


As Coach K leads his team thru the Big Dance...the Duke Blue Devils ...he does so without the theatrics of the other coaches.. .not sure how he does I was one of the latter...he possesses the inner calm that very few have in the job of coaching... to sit most of the game, while the craziness of the play goes on before truly amazing ....not that he doesn't get up and get after it, at times...who doesn't do that? a game besieged by worse than ever...officiating... Duke beat Michigan St and advanced to the sweet sixteen ...with a squad that I said can't shoot...well, from long range...alas, it took two bombs to set the sail that let them cruise into the next round...I stand corrected... In the past year, we had flights and journeys canceled ...due to the Covid thing...and the $ for the flights was sitting in our account...that had to be used prior to June 25th, I think....thereabouts...SO...we rescheduled Nashville...and thanks to them G...

The Will of the People?

Mired in a very lengthy campaign, of death and destruction...Putin's war against the Ukraine ...his latest?... a bombing of an art school...housed reportedly 400 ...when will this end? we, on a daily basis, read about the atrocities of this inhumane man... which makes me wonder out loud , is this The Will of the People of Russia? ... or is this the abhorrent needs of a ruthless leader?...self gratification of a most sinister mind. ..if the Russian people say NO!...then they need to act what can be they are in the midst of a person gone berserk...that will only get worse... Moving on... So very odd, that while we were watching the flick 'Mare of Easttown' ...well, it is a series on HBO Max...starring Kate Winslet...the chirping of one of our smoke detectors went off!...ha ha...odd, of course, as I led with the battery thang in a blog entry a few days back...up the ladder and replaced the 9V one...dang it all, we were just at Costco, and do nee...