The Mighty Carnac
Wouldn't you just know...the pix...the Horse pix...were right on yesterday...OK, 100%! A+...ha ha...resorted to me inner Mighty Carnac for the predictions...yes, Miami, UNC, Cans-ass, and of course, the stupendous St. Peter' a feeling that my phone is gonna ring off the them prognosticators begging for tips on the elite 8...'ring off the hook?'...geez, who has a land line anymore...not moi...don't you fret none, as I will give them to ya'll before too long... How about now?...Villanova over Houston (?), and Duke over not bet these... The Padres played the bloody Bums in the desert yesterday...kissing your sister finish...5-5 OT, in the Cactus know, if one wanted to not have extended games in the regular season, why not have ties?...they do in hockey and soccer...just witnessed the same in the match play in golf...why not?... Putin has let it out that the phase 1 of his war is now over...which means wh...