
Showing posts from February 28, 2016


The cats are on the visit the Vegas of the South... Nashville ...the highlight will be the Blake Shelton Concert ...think this pix of him as an old time sanger is hilarious...this is Marsh's belated birthday present ...hopefully, we get decent KNOW what it's like where we are this am...plan on hitting a bunch of them Rocking Music Bars...right?... Duck Dynasty? ...hmmm...I have a passion for the UO Football ...they are to watch...and, very successful...the boyz out at the GC call me the, they know of me as the transplanted Oregonian...has nothing to do with my penchant to wear "O" clothes, and have Duck head covers...naw...especially in the fall...BTW, when is that?...I digress...however...get this... the UO Hoop team is doing as well...have clinched the Pac 12 Crown for the 1st time since '02...have been watching them more and more...sure seems like they get better, as the season progresses...last night be...

The Envelope, Please

The winners from Super Tuesday? ...drum roll, please... Hilz and the Donald ...each garnered 7 states ...and...have earned themselves the clear path to move one...really?...I could buy into that if it weren't for the upper echelon of both parties, trying to show their FORCE ...thinking for the REAL voters...actually, it repulses me... First, the Demos ...with the DNC elite based Super Delegates...who has already come out for Hillary ...making the common person's vote, virtually meaningless ...hey, if the supposed "party of the people" want a certain candy man or woman, let them decide...not the top guns...could be a major reason I rebel from this side... The Repubs ...ha ha...went away from the above mentioned method of weighting the campaign...years ago...felt it was does the RNC feel about that now?... Rove and his boyz are so pissed, that they are trying all the tricks they have to upset the new leader, Trump ...their boy, Marco, is not the guy...

Super Tuesday

It has 12 states will vote for the next Prez of the USA ...after this day, we will have a much clearer picture as to whom the candy peops will be...probably... can Bernie return to form, and close the gap on Hilz? ...has all the banter from Marco and Rafael (Ted), altered the masses in their belief in the Donald? ...this is what we will find out...if you are in one of these places, GET OUT AND LET YOUR VOTE COUNT!... Me? to the links...ha ha...

Monday Decaf

Hope you weren't born on this date... bloody Feb 29th ...the leap year thinger...what? can the originators put this date in the cycle?"ll just get a birthday one time out of 4...duh...I suppose of all the things that are haywire, this is one of the smaller ones... The Oscars didn't have to wait long for Chris Rock to bring up the diversity, the Black was the driving point throughout the show...and, my friends, it was a loooooonnnng one...will say that the Leo DiCaprio winning speech was a beaut...he is a pro... My good friend from the PNW, Snookie...advised me about an alternative to the above show... the Ducks were hosting the Dawgs in guy's, THERE is diversity!...ah hem...just awful officiating...both ways, mind UO continues their lead in the Pac 12...surprising more, than the fact that Snooki is WATCHING hoops...anywhere, any time...ha ha... Had this feeling that I would hit the Pick 5 agai...


Say what you want, but... the Hilz landslide in South Carolina has HUGE implications for the Demos...where she had near 3/4ths  of the votes ...and the Black Community was more like 85+% ...major indicators that she is formidable, especially in the South...and...only a monster showing on Super Tuesday for Bernie would balance that one state's telling numbers... The polls aren't showing much diff after the Repub Debacle the other night...they have the Donald winning most of the 12 ...however...just gander at all the trash the RNC is throwing Trump's way in the next two days...Rove and the Koch Bros are masters at the ugly art of it'd that work for you the last 8 years, boys?...this time, though, it's in your OWN party... Super Tuesday can't come fast enough... Stabbings at a KKK rally ...wait, what year is this?...this group still exists?...yup, in of all places, know, like Disneyland LaLa land...really?...we may have m...