Our Country Is Full

Full of what?... Captain Chaos is at it again...trying to find alternative ways of saying the same thing... 'Our country is full...'...'so, turn around and...' ...this is what his message is to those who want to cross the border into the US of A...mind you, in the southern border and not the northern one...a totally DIFFERENT situation...eh?... Reality is, that he is bellowing that phrase out for you and I ...his persistent monologue of the need for a Trump Wall ...here's where it gets sticky...there are humongous problems that are plaguing the Central America AND South American countries ...many of them, let's be clear...their solution is to vacate their homeland for safety, in most cases...migrate north to where there is this promise land...of the lack of persecution and a way of survival...work...money that can feed their families...that they can't get where they were born...see what I mean?... It's been an issue for many years ...however, it ...