Be Boppin Beach Boys
The trip to Indio was a success...albeit, not the best of weather, that they are known for...but, we did get a day of shopping in Palm Springs included... the Morrises were great hosts and we are truly sorry for the evaporation of the Makers Mark Whisky ...must have been the dry air...listen, Larry, you need to seal the bottle top a bit tighter... The reason for the season, was the concert of the Mike Love Beach Boys. the casino close to their pad... Fantasy Springs'd them Injuns come up with that name, anyway?...I digress...the Boys were spot on and the surprise was that they did have John Stamos with 'em again... a true talent...AND, more and more lead vocals are going to Mike's son, ie, one of the best BB tunes of all time, 'God Only Knows' ...originally cut by Carl Wilson ... Top the nite off, was the fact that Larry and the Horse WON cash, like mullah, bills, er, money...each of I was just short of $400 bucks ...which paid for...