Hits While You Are Hot
For most singers there is just a small amount of time that you have to put out your music to make it in the business . I'm not sure it's not the best that you are going to put out...case in point the Beatles ...I think their simple 2 part harmonies were the best, even though they set the world on fire with their more complicated stuff...or C S N Y with their 2 year gigs that still are played everywhere, as they tried other things that failed to measure up... Fleetwood Mac with their 1 & 1/2 year monster hits that they have stuck to in their concerts...on and on...the point is that you must enjoy what you do and enjoy the moment... MJ had a longer career of hits than most, but his best were in a 3 year period of time...similar to the other successful artists or groups... His best? Thriller, Bad, The Way You Do The Things You Do , ..., they were all catchy and altered a pop world...Were they great? In their own way...they certainly made you feel good and would stick i...