
Showing posts from April 29, 2018

Home Game?

Nothing like flaming the fires of the locals...yea, the Padre faithful have yet another chance to boo the Bums ...and certainly, this poorly as the San Diegans are playing...they have a (gulp) chance at beating LaLa...!.'s true...them Blue are struggling as much as the Brown and Yellow, or Blue and Gold, or the camouflage blue or, whatever we are known for...alas, NO!... the brass brilliantly moved the 'home' series to Monterrey, Mexico. the Dodgers are the 2nd fav of that country...we are 8...we are the closest to them, but still...the Rodney Dangerfield of the beisbol, especially for the Mexicans...what were they thinking?'s even Cinco de Mayo in the Gaslamp! ...hmmm, do they celebrate that in Mexico?.... Mother Nature ...doing her thang in Hawaii...the Big their volcano erupted!...lava spewing down the mountain towards the inhabitants of the site...unbelievable phenomena...and scary as of the i...

Little White (House) Lies

Morning kids...we are back from our little jaunt to Temecula ...a splendid stay at South Coast Winery ...if you haven't yet, put it on your 'must do' an area that most people don't know that it exists...a wonderful couple of miles of fine wines...we came upon a beauty... Wiens ...that features terrific reds...hey, check it out, there are many to 'find'...we were with them Mackles, and it was fun fun fun  (the Beach Boys)... My headline today has to do with POTUS I have been saying for quite awhile, follow this Stormy Daniels thang ...denials and deceit...out of nowhere came the revelation that Trump's attorney paid $ to her, for 'her silence'...all by himself...that it may hurt his election chances...he denied knowing anything about it...right?...that was the story...alas, his NEW attorney, Rudy Giuliani ...gave this revelation out...yesterday... DJT paid his attorney BACK for the cash...what?...doesn't that mean, he KNEW?!!!...

Goal Setting

You ever feel like your life may be languishing in mediocrity? ...are ya'll getting somewhere...or are you muddling about in the same position?...needs to improve what is 'the meaning of life'...there is a, trust the Horse...and set up some goals...yea, Goal Setting ... Now in our advanced years, it becomes a tad bit harder the opportunities may have probably have your home, car, your mate, well, family, and your lot in life...already...and the HOME is not too far, knowing that, get ON with it, kids... If you are still a youngin', the steps may have MANY more to them...but, as I see it...these are the ones to establish...take these and YOUR situation...with no particular order... 1.   Make more money ....what?...but I'm on a fixed see, your choices increase with the scratch you have...yes, so mine is more of a dream...hit the Pick 6...ah ha...or the of them...keep it simple....

Bills Bills Bills

Hey, kids...a late note...went golfing early and am just now at the keyboard...ah ha, the real reason was that I needed to pay them damn bills ...I say TG for the web net...makes the process so much easier, for sure... I haven't hacked much this past month...esp, with this damn food thang...and yes, I am still tired and it showed... the 18 couldn't get over fast enough ...dang, I should have taken the power cart, instead of walking...dumb dumb dumb... How organized are you when it comes to the bills , anyway?...I use a hard copy to check out what i you do the same?... is it you or your mate who does 'em?. ..I have to show M what I do, you know just in case... I get that the '18 version of the Padres will be a work in process...that the minor league carries the bulk of the 'futures' talent ...and yea, the team is languished in the bottom of the west, already....knowing that, I do not like that the Mgr, Green, airs his dirty laundry to the newsp...


Does everything just have to be perfect? the right place, with a purpose?...are you one of them that can recognize if a sofa has moved an inch, er a centimeter?...the pillows are not poofed up?...the automatic lights are a minute off?...yea, one of them dudettes?...cuz, it's not the nature of a bloke to have these I right or is this gender bias?... Remember when the USA was going to capitulate to the rest of the world when it came to measuring?... gone was the came the meter stick ....everything was going to be so simple...using the hap hap happy tens in all of our calculations...adios to the ultra confusing fractions...!!!...the ultimate downfall to the math system for most Americanos...this was a near mandate to the schools in the 70's...incorporate the metrics, and phase out the ol English system... Not so fast, my fellow compatriots... there was a backlash think that there would be a 100 meter football field, in lieu of the 10...