
There was a report out yesterday, that the state of Cali shrunk some 182,000 this past year ...what was this?... 'Go west young man!' ...a thing of the past?...well, perhaps, go northwest ...the reasoning?... taxes, for the most part ...we do pay our fair share, and more...I confess...much more than donny q does, that's for sure...which got the Horse thinking... what is the US population? As of 2020 (duh, last year, you heathens) the number was estimated at 331, 002, 651 ...when do you ever find an estimate that is down to one?...which also is, 4.25% of the total world population ...a true estimate of 7.9 billion peops inhabit this earth ...according to MacroTrends, our (USA) growth for this year will be 0.58%, up to 332,915, 073 ...ah, another crazy estimation...you see the former Cali peops aren't leaving the USA, just finding a cheaper place to call home... Naturally, we want to know the ethnic breakdown of the pop'YOU-lation ... White-60.1%...Hispanic-18.5...