
Showing posts from November 25, 2018

The Next 25

Is it just me, or the space between Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Christmas Season , was longer than ever before?...I mean, it is just NOW December. memory must not be the same as in days before...ha, which means I have to do the inevitable, pay them damn bills today...later on today, is the Marsha Xmas WORK Party ...yes, I have to put on some fancy does she...listen, it really is a fun, festive long as the Horse doesn't talk politics... A sad time for the country... the passing of the 41st President ... George HW Bush ...whose wife died earlier in the year...I guess that's the way it has to be...a full, rich life...for sure...he was a good man and good Prez...he will be missed... Something I have never accomplished before...yesterday...walked over to Striders ...the off track betting site...some say it may be too close to us gamblers...I digress...well, that's not the 'never' was this...I picked ALL 8...

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

There is nothing like listening to great artists singing Christmas (Holiday) music...all the while, drinking a cup of coffee...peaking at the Christmas Tree, with the lights aglow...reading the articles from all over the country, via the web net ...collecting me thoughts for what I am going to write about today...I got just a wonderful comment last night, posted from a fellow Oregonian, Dee Kongslie (hope she doesn't mind me using her name)...said that she got in the Christmas Spirit, after reading me blog... MADE MY DAY! ...and in my head, was a swirling the tune by Lady A , 'Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!' ... Throughout the nation, America's team, well, at one time... the Dallas Cowboys. ..they were...have had a, so many of the peops out there, will go into their archives, and dust off their 'Roger Staubach' jerseys ...clean 'em up, and start to wear them 'Boys beat the oh so hot Saints last eve...with,...

The Christmas Spirit

Morning, you all doing, wherever you are?... the rain has made its way down to San the locals REJOICE! ...being a born and raised Oregonian, it is a ho hum affair to they say around here, 'but, it's needed' ...OK, be it... The past 3 mornings, I have been putting on me Beats headphones and listening to Christmas music I have in my iTunes library...while I have been writing the know, getting into the Christmas Spirit ... There was a great mandate from the school systems, that the use of Christmas was not to be used...instead, Happy Holidays , was the term...back in the day...I reckon it is still in force, unless we are talking a private, religious school...right?... Are you one of the many, that dig out the 'Holiday' dvds of some classics? ...pop some pop corn and watch the Griswolds? ...or the ridiculously funny, 'Home Alone?' ...don't rob yourself of a couple of hours of pure enjoyment....

The Pardon

Seems to me...there has been a vested interest in the Paul Manafort case by the current regime, occupying the White House...battle lines been drawn... as Manafort has been accused by the Mueller Probe of continually LYING to them ...this after been sentenced to PRISON!...he had struck a deal with the attorneys, to come clean...hmmm... So what changed? ...his fear of going into the slammer, has dwindled...and the news out of the NY Times is that, he has been sharing what the Mueller People are asking him...with Trump ...thus, the Regime is privy to the direction of the got it, he has clammed up...just exactly why?...there could be but only one answer to that... the bloody Executive Order ... A PARDON ... he has to be promised one, if he keeps his mouth shut, and he spills the Mueller questions to the White House ...what else could it be? they can plan an alternative route to avoid whatever they come up do you spell WATERGATE redux? ... The highlight...


Not sure if you have heard of the name, Mary Barra ...but you will the CEO of the fledgling car company of the United States of America , General Motors ...she is revamping the line of vehicles that they are going to put up for sale...and doing what many feared... closing up current assembly plants in the 4 of make matters worse, for this Prez, it's on HIS watch... GONE , will be the Chevy/Cadillac versions of the Malibu and Caddy look alikes, the Buick LeCrosse, and 3 others ...thus, the closing of that part of the plants...geez, I didn't even know that they made Buicks anymore... remember the Pontiacs and the Oldsmobiles? the wind... The change came when the foreign car makers built, to be frank, a better, more efficient, rig continue to be competitive, the American Made had to be...BETTER!...smaller, tighter, you get the drift...more fuel conscious...there you go... So Mary Barra , has decided to up the GM game ...keep ...

Run For The Border

For most of ya'll NOT from around here...the idea of a Trump WALL , is more of a thought provoker...a reality?...but, in SoCal it is a real concern ...well, all across the southern border of the Southwest...which extends to Texas.. .a massive distance of dealing with the securing of the country...right? ...forever, and I do mean, forever, there have been hot spots that illegals would find to cross into the US... Most, however, that can be here... cross over the actual Border Guarded sites ...I'm telling you nothing fact, the issue came into center stage, during the past election...for the Trump magnified it...made it an agenda item...that he wanted to address...and conquer... The structure itself is a prohibitive cost factor...he boasted during the campaign that Mexico would pay for, here the concept just sits...alas, along comes a mass of Hondurans, that are exiting their country...making a trek to the US to start over. ..the land o...

The Secret Service

While we were searching NETFLIX for a movie to watch last eve...we happened on a flick called 'Fair Game' ...nice cast and all... Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, the majors ...had no idea what it was about...a 2010 year is set in the time that our government was looking for a scapegoat for 9/ know it, er, remember those times... 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' ...settled on Iraq's Saddam Hussein and his regime...such was the decry by Prez W and his right hand man, VP Dick Cheney...yup, and off we went to war...and yup, we are still in Iraq...I digress... This is THE story of the W administration silencing any of the critics out there this case, Scooter Libby ... Sean Penn's character is US Diplomat, Joseph Wilson ...who wrote a scathing article about the incorrect info that was given to us, the public...that the sale of enriched uranium to Iraq, was a fabrication...just so happens, his wife was a CIA agent... Valerie Plame ... played by N...