Morning, kids 'tis the be frank, these days all just meld together...not sure one is different than the other, anymore...unless, you are still working, er, have a job...and all that stuff...many of you, work at home... TG for the computer, right? ...anyhoo, in my SEARCH for the ultimate truth ...the 23 sources, and whatever else cometh my way...there are things that intrigue, I pass them on to you.. .thanks for your continued following and I hope I tickle your brain every once in a while...or even, quite often... The never ending quest of trump to sabotage the will of the people ...well, it is coming to an end...finally...even, as he calls for his followers (Jim Jones?) to drink the kool-aid ...create a big ruckus on January 6th...however, all his legal (illegal) shenanigans have failed... he is a loser...done...kaput...the huge orange is squashed his former fixer, Michael Cohen, has said all along, 'trump will not go quietly'. ..the ve...