
Showing posts from December 26, 2010

Jan. 1 Bowls...

The Big Ten had an absolutely pathetic showing today in their bowl games...and so it goes... the east coast propaganda...wrong again ...and I got swallowed up by the way Wisconsin beat up on the other have nots... TCU plays great defense...and again I say...if there was a playoff they would be in the mix rest up....the BSBCS title game is not that far away...thank goodness the Big Ten has no one in the way, how does that Ohio St. President spin this day?  What a jack ass... Great job, Horned frogs...

Happy New Year

To all of you, my readers, Sammi and I say, have an Arfy New Year!!!

Hot Topics...2010

Mid-Term elections ....the expected rise of the republicans during a democratic regime...the unnamed backers of the "Tea Party" that are permeating that group...the colossal amount of money in it...the unguided naming of certain reps..."I am NOT a witch"...and your gurl, Sarah , hoping to commandeer the ship... Out of sight salaries for movie stars ....they keep churning the flix out...but with the cost of sitting in the seats...just how long can the $ hold up?  $22 for a pair, add on $12 for popcorn and coke...that's a hefty amount to shell out... Out of sight salaries for sports stars ...even more puzzling than the afore mentioned...especially shocking is the price per seat of the NBA...with this financial stressed out era, I just don't get it that the owners have soooo much money that it's just a drop in the bucket? Lindsey Lohan there a more visual mess than this out of whack gal...she thinks she is bigger than the law, an...

For You

Sorry Oregonians . ..but it's been 70* and beautiful ...and I have hit the links the last 2 days and Friday is on the agenda.... And the east coast have had a blast of the storm that hit us...except it got messed up with the Canadian cold stuff...and the blizzard it became... Oh well... To further deflate an already horrible season for the Chargers , the owner Spanos , announced that the horrible coach, Norv Turner, will return for next season...eegads...the people are up in the GC, that is the only thing they talk about....and nobody... NOBODY ...wants this guy back...stay tuned... Did you see how easily the Spurs ripped the Lakers ?  I'm a telling you, LA is on a downward spiral...and they will have to make some changes...does anyone want Artest for a six pack? Holiday Bowl tomorrow eve... Nebraska vs. Washington ...ho hummer...there are a bunch of collegiate peops throughout the Gaslamp this week...very cool.... This is an errands day...

NBA Beat Down

The transition of power has begun in the NBA longer is there fear of going to LA and taking on the mighty Lakers ...mighty?, not hardly...soft and in a funk ... the swagger's got a dagger in it ... San Antone and the Mavs have the upper hand in the west....and the two best anywhere?  The Heat and the Celts ...I heard, well, the nucleus of Miami has only been together 30 games...what?  That's enuff, kids... On Xmas day, LeBron and co. went into LA and DESTROYED the Lakers ...let there be NO DOUBT who is the king of the pro circuit...and the pitiful Blazers ...what a mess, and they are soooo poorly coached...sorry PDX fans , it's the truth...I only speaketh it... The playoffs are getting pretty much set in the NFL ...and the team that worked it's way out...yup, the Bolts ...another pathetic effort at the lowly Bengals ...let's be honest...they are unprepared...and yup, I've been saying it ever since I've got here...blown plays and flat out c...

Mini Vacation

Crazy Horse on a mini vacation....