The March on DC

I have given you the reasons...the rebuttals...the people that still... protest ... to show their distrust in the present system of governing...policing. be fair, we are talking 'not all the people'. ..but, the ones that want to...yes, it involves many of the youth of the country all, I hope that they spend as much time, delivering their VOTE , as they do expressing their present frustrations as to the regime at hand...of course, what we all want is the power of the people, and NOT the anger, looting, and the results thereof... The weekend ...this particular...where there are estimations of a MILLION protestors ...gathering in the capitol of the DC air their grievances... something that I have been expecting for some time. took a deadly racial incident to trigger the reality, it could have been something else... but, right here...right now...this is the impetus ... How will Trump and his regime react to this?. per...