
Showing posts from February 9, 2020


The tinkering with the justice system is what Trump is all about now...right?... since his acquittal by the Senate, he has begun testing his 'new' power that he may or may not have...can he go in and adjust what the judges are doing?. ..of course, I have no idea about the 'pardon' or 'no pardon' abilities of a president...what they can or can not do...and isn't this what he is all about at the present time?...what can he or can't he do?...whether it be in the Roger Stone case, or the Michael Flynn one. ..or whomever he chooses next... is he able to send in his AG Barr to take over? ...appears that our judicial system is in peril...but, how can that be?...what is, in fact, 'above the law' ..we are about to find out...scare you a little, or a lot? should... To be fair, the other side... the Demos ...are scurrying about to find the right candy man or combat Trump ...a united front would certainly help... but, more importantly...

(Happy) Valentine's Day

Egads, it started as such a great string of ideas ...that turned...well, meandered about...the wrong direction...had it's good moments, then went bad, or awry...then swerved back to the positive...back again...phew, just can't get the breaks ...ha ha...this planning of what many call (Happy) Valentine's Day ... The concept was to escape from the crowds at the restaurant, we (I) would prepare a very romantic dinner for the little lady in lieu...consensus the fam, off we went to Costco to get the needed ingredients... Plan number 1 ...greeting us there, was a thang that I did not expect... stations of red and white all over the bloody place...they had a chocolate covered strawberry area ...doing that right before your, but we had to all over the yard...too...which I had already ordered for a considerable greater price...duh...I said something like 'what dude would get his wurman Costco flowers?'... Plan 2 was the,...

Throwback Thursday

I kidded about the song of Cher's...'If I Could Turn Back Time' ...would we indeed?...doesn't work that way, now does it...but, we can reminisce a bit...and why not?...we were at a happy hour at Huntington Beach and the waitress told me that I looked like a 'Bee Gee' type of guy ...what on earth does that mean?...was that a slap or a compliment?...of course, I had shades on...with a derby cap...and sporting me Zombies shirt. ..ha ha...which she had no idear who they we were listening to a group that sure sounded like the B-52's....ha ha...whatever...we must have been over-served... I'm listening to 70's music there a better song than 'Let's Stay Together' by Al Green ? 10 on me list...perfect for this Valentine's Day weekend...wait, a day can be a weekend?...apparently...where shall we dine?...if it were up to moi, it would be Eddie V's...but, listen kids, it is for sushi romantic?...I don...

The Results

As expected, Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary ...however, it was not the numbers that they were just a couple of percentage points over the next candy man, Mayor Pete ...4,000 + votes!...surprised? betcha...BUT, the real shocker was who came in 3rd...qualified for delegates with 20% of the voters... Amy Klobuchar!, yes, the masses WERE watching the this was where she shined... As I hinted yesterday, this could be the end of the road for Eliz Warren ...perhaps, Joe Biden , too....let's see where next weeks tallies Joe is depending on South Carolina...and your best guess is what Nevada will do...well, the pundits say 'hold your horses, it is but 2 small states' ... Something is in the air for Amy ...hmmm...the next debate will be a doozy... Appalling ... the interference of Trump into the sentencing of his advisor, Roger Stone...he thinks he can adjust whatever the court says...this scare you a little?......

New Hampshire

I thought that it would be a great time for us all to learn a little bit about the state that is gaining a lot of attention today...where the primaries are being held for the 2020 election... New Hampshire ...has about 1,4 million people the upper northeastern part of our great all states, they have a name, er slogan, that is their thing... 'The Granite State' ...the capitol city is Concord...and for some reason, the Merrimack River has some recognition factor for moi...not sure some flick? was one of the original 13 colonies that rebelled against the British the American Revolution did it's is an extremely 'white' state , when it comes to race... 94% ...wooah, is that number correct?...apparently so, using the 2010 census bureau... The Gallup poll in 2016 had New Hampshire as the least religious state in the USA...what?...and... the median household money making at $75,000 per year....the 4...

Monday Makeover

Hmmm, perhaps that should be, do what did ya'll think of the Oscar's? ...we sat and rated the I have a clue...some of them looked like they did the Carol Burnett thinger , took the drapes down, and made them as 'gowns' ...I keep telling all that will listen, wear BLACK or RED , and you will be near perfect ...whatever... Yea, I have no idea who should win the awards...only seen two of the films...and didn't care much for them... 'Parasite' won the best subtitles? ...wowser...the other major awards, for the best actress and actor...followed suit of the JV award shows...there you go... We are in the midst of a 2 day rainy period down here in south SoCal no golf today...just as well, as I got over-served last eve...did you catch any of the Pebble Beach T? ...the weather and course was so tough, the bigs were floundering about like you or I would... Lefty sure had enough chances and couldn't pull it off...

And the OSCAR goes to...

Morning, kids...we are back! ...our little jaunt up north to see the kids and their kid...and his other grandma gets complicated...was stupendous!...our grandson, Cyrus Allan Joseph is one special young lad...10 1/2 months old now... gosh, so happy and always smiling ...took a while for him to recognize moi...but, did so...and it's all about me... they have done an absolute marvelous job of raising him ...the schedule he is on, is almost military, ha ha...anyhoo, it was worth the Cosmo trip, for sure... On the return trip, we ventured into the Hwy 1 , in lieu of the 101...timely decision, but listen up all, it is so picturesque ...stopped and got some unbelievable strawberries on the road side...that are simply delicious...the route gets hairy going thru streets of Malibu and all, as it ways inland a bit...but, if ya'll got the time, it is far better than the 101/405 steady stream of cars, and cars, and trucks, and cars ....going seemingly nowhere... Our stay at...