Bracket Buster
I have been touting Mizzou all year...and poof...out the door they go...with that, my bracket is busted...and you Dukies ...same fate for number 15 seed is taken down out for the pundit loving Orange to go down Who is the team?...gots to think that Kentucky (yea, I don't like Calipari) and Kansas...maybe the sleeper team, Cincy. ..I dunno... Go figure the Blazers as they go into Chi-town, with their tails down and get a V...short lived, so I say... SDSU showed it's lack of inside game in their loss... The wurst shot ever at winning by St. Mary's ...air ball... The Zags are my new fav...beat the Buckeye's?... New Mexico the only MWC left...long odds against Louisville... Saint Paddie's Day ...does the Duck green work? Got the Lexus serviced this am...oh, it is definitely Orygun weather here today...mega rain and high wind...I told the Jiffy Lube guy, I must be the only sum bitch out this morning.....