
Showing posts from February 13, 2022

Whole Lotta Talk

One of my long standing pet peeves of elected officials and their countless that they RARELY do what they have promised during their election running time ...taxes, infrastructure, debt ceiling, schools, police, firefighters, shoot, the list of whatevers goes on and on...the latest is the homeless...everyone has an idea, until they get into office, and suddenly, NO SOLUTION!...and then, VOILA!, time to start raising funds for the next campaign to stay in office...a vicious cycle of greed and disparity...HOWEVER, here in south San Diego...the powers to be have done something that they have deemed warranted, promised, and then carried out... BIKE LANES! ...we have them everywhere...and, there are rarely bikers on them, but dammit, if you  want to  bike in our fair have lanes upon lanes to do favs (sic) are the ones going totally uphill to Hillcrest...which would take a behemoth to use them, unless you have an electric bi...

Forever Friday

You know, the day of days ...just has to be this day of the week...right?...who does not look forward to it?...last day of work, school, er, whatever... FRIDAY ...just seeing it written, brings a smile to me face...not like a Monday....Thursday is bad... We just went out and did the wild thang...booked a trip to Vegas ...hey, we had TRAVEL DOLLARS that had to be used...coincided with a concert with none other than Carrie Underwood ...well now, that will be a fun jaunt, right? having some probs linking the tix, they went to my 2nd email site...the old one...geez...nothing is ever easy... Of course, the Russia/Ukraine border stuff is the number one...topic ...each side is accusing the other of, sure...the Ukraine is going to do that...this is what you call Russian propaganda, kids...trying to give rationale to start it up... You ever wonder why the Beard has been on 4 teams in 2 years? ...or Kyrie thinks the world is flat?...and yet, will not get vaccinated...

The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat...

ABC's Jim McKay, his line at the start of the Wide World of Sports ... "The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat" ...gosh, the Horse watched that show most every time it came on...or so it seemed...well, it applied to the Russian 15 yr old ice skater...who has been the talk of the Winter early this am, our time...she fell multiple times and ended in 4th ...which makes the doping part of it all, a sad commentary... The thrills, did watch 2 hoop games that blew me hated Lakers won, over the not so LaLa, as Utah blew a huge lead...and LeBron took over in the 4th...he can do this...perhaps, his 37 years of age dictates when to play and when to cruise...he was tough...and then...the Warriors lost the the big guy from Denver was way toooooo much for GS... Nikola Jokic ...was so dominant, that it was like 5 guys were trying to stop him...really... Must add the Blazers won again ...golly, they do play...

Not Without Confusion

Mask or No Mask? ...that is the question... supposedly, down here in SoCal, we are to be Mask Free, iff you have full vaccinations. ..OK then, why is no one talking about this? this going to go to the optional phase instead?...I mean, who knows what is going on?...talking the indoor usage...the numbers have been dropping way off of the seems odd to me, that the news sources don't play this up as much, as when the numbers were rising...maybe that is not odd, as the negative drives the stories they produce...nevertheless, the people need to know the real decision here...come forth... Talk about confusion ... the Russia/Ukraine conflict to be, or not to be...that is the question ...sorry, about that...some sources say the Russians have done a bigger pull back of troops...and others are saying just the opposite...another query...why, when our state department, told those Americans that are in the Ukraine, to get out NOW!...why are they there in the first and last place?...

Actual Talks

As I have been foreboding the Russia invasion of the Ukraine...there has been an abundant amount of ACTUAL TALKS between our Prez and theirs ...some may call it threats, some may call it strategy...whatever it is...for the first time in over a month, there has been some amount of Russian troops moving back...hmmm...from the Ukranian border...settlement?...I was listening to an analyst last eve, that was saying what I have thought all along...the wants and needs of energy that the Ukraine land has, that Russia is desiring... This Ukraine ...the focal point of the investigation of trump, way back when...his, in his own words 'the perfect call'... not sure if I have ever heard of a guy that used the telephone for whatever as much as he did...and not only his phone, but whomever's was around him at the time ...thus, no trace to him... The calls to the people involved in the Jan 6 coup ...all records destroyed...the call to Melania, after the news came out about his hookup with...

Happiest Valentine's

Morning, kids...hope your day is full of happiness ...still gonna be very nice weather here in the, right, off to the course...and later on, a dinner date in Little Italy for the celebration of...our 48th Valentine's Day together ...take that JLo...I digress... Did you see all the stars at the Super Bowl in LaLa Land? ...I dunno, my good readers, but when I say stars it's just not the same as MY STARS ... Sinatra, Streisand, Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Carson, Elizabeth, ah, I could go on and on ...very similar feeling to the halftime show...just not me genre...but one thing is the same...the play on the field... Congrats to the Rams they had a monumental drive at the end of the 4th to pull this game out...23-20...I was shocked at the good play of the Bengals lines...stopped the running game of LA...sure, there were some blown calls by the refs...duh...but ,' they were letting them play' the say...I still don't know what constitutes pass interf...

I Have Returned

Do not exactly know what got us...but we both came down with ornery indigestion ailments ...nasty stuff...fortunately, at different times, so we could take turns nursing... must say, that Boss lady was much better at it, than the Horse ...not even close...took the Covid test, and it was negative...I am up rolling this am, though...yesterday, flat on me back the entire day... So you got your Sooper Bowl today ...all the hoopla, the beautiful weather, the 'stars', $9,000 buck seats, and up to a million for the suites...we shall be watching from the comfy confines of the party, but on the agenda will be the chicken wings...that is, if we can stomach them, so to speak... Prognosticator Horse ...have not wavered on this... 31-13 for the Rams NOT bet what I say...ever...never ever...the halftime show is not for blokes like me...rap is not my genre...expect 4 really really good commercials...gosh, I hope Dr Rick has one ...he is my fav... the Clydesdales? ...c'mo...