The Hype
For the past week, it was the Republicans turn to indulge the country into their HYPE ... couple that with the near tragedy of an worked for awhile...until the candidate himself, got up to accept the party's nomination ...he turned it into a rambling, incoherent, seemingly 2 hours of self propaganda...that bored even the most rabid Magas...this is what you got, Repubs...not sure if you really buy into it, but it's all, YOU have to convince the rest of the country....that it is worthy... Thinking about that word ... HYPE ... it's what triggers most all ideas, merchandise, teams, politicians...the list goes on...there are companies that that is what they do...find ways to promote, entice, lure, buy into what ever they are selling ...every 4 years, there are dudes and dudettes, that is what they do for a living...take a Roger Stone...been doing it since Nixon...I kid you not...that will come up with catchy slogans,...