Independence Day

As best we can, we try to celebrate the country's Independence Day ...this 4th of July ...there are lots of songs to signify it, but I prefer the one by Martina McBride ...a signature tune of hers...the highlight has often been the marvelous fireworks shows everywhere...however, this, too, will be the 'grouping' of people is a no no...around here, there is a festive 'big bay boom'...make that, was...I am hearing that in the outlying towns, they still will be having their version...not sure how that works... In the past...we have watched the celebratory light shows... on the the fair grounds...from the beach in Florida...the list goes on...from the upper levels of the condo ...but, this, too, is put on hold...add this to the number of thangs...geez, and other 4 letter words... We debated a 2 person cookout know, the chicken, beans, tater salad, and the apple pie...just didn't seem the we are offing for the...