
The dismantling of a star and his system...I'm talking Tiger Woods ...he's lost his wife, his coach, his game, and now...he casts aside the one guy who was his great protector on the golf course, for 13 years, his caddie... "Stevie" Williams ...let's talk Tiger for awhile here...he was the guy that made you watch tourneys...he had the it factor... Arnie type if you will...had the ability to make a great shot out of nowhere...and string together many rounds that would win each and every event he was in...yet, there was another side to him...he was very private and got the demands of a superstar...he got away with it...there were other rumors of things, ie steroids...but nothing was proven...it's just a puzzler, and like most golf aficionados, I'd like him back, the way he was... Break up the Padres! They throw a 14 spot on the dazed Marlins ...shoot, that's normally 7 games worth of runs...in my haste the other day, I briefly mentioned other disa...