Equal Billing
Some may say that all of the drama of the Repubs is in fact, the JV game ...ha ha...as the Demos kick into gear tonight...for their VAHSITY event...only 3 in spat mode... Hilz, Bernie, and Martin O'Malley. ..yet...they found a way to get a drama thinger going... One of Bernie's aides got into the "Voter Data Access" issue...somehow implicating the Hilz...like it's HER DATA?. ..hmmm...well, now...there are rumors that the leader of the DNC, the one and only Debbie Wasserman Schultz ...has been leaning towards Clinton...and all heck has broke out...just what the Demo peops want... some have been calling for her dismissal...hmmm... The site of the debate? ... New Hampshire ...hosted by a coupling of ABC News and WMUR ...what the heck is that?...anyway, I gots to be real...this has none of the fire power that the Repubs have...maybe that's good...I dunno... Hoops ...just a terrific game last eve...as the only team to beat GS, the Milwaukee Bucks ...ventur...