
Showing posts from February 21, 2016

Endorsing Season

Morning kids...this will a short I tee off at 8:30 ...lordy, this will be 4 times this about Rickey in Florida? bogies in the 1st 2 rounds...on that course?...has his A game a going...not so for Rory, as he missed the cut...again...hmmm...something happening there...geez, I'd love to have my A game today...usually C... This is the endorsing season the probables are out there...and the respective parties want to show their strength...having key people endorse their candy man or woman...interesting article in the Washington News about the RNC and their apparent, undeclared leader... the irrepressible Karl Rove they were going to take down the Donald...and then...BOOM!...from the files of the shockeroos...came the Chris Christie he named Trump as HIS GUY! ...Rove and the boyz are infuriated...hmmm...let's just see how this plays out on Tuesday...all the questions will be answered... South Carolina's Demos finally vot...

Wolf, You've Lost Control Of Your Class

Your final debate of the Repub Candy Men, prior to Super Tuesday...oh was a DISASTER! ...the blokes were content on unloading on the poll leader, the Donald ...the two nearest, Marco and Rafael (Ted), were the chief attackers ...fulfilling themselves of venom filled questions...that asked for more clarity in the programs that Trump would be instilling, if elected Prez...of course, the Donald, didn't take to that line of Q's ...and lashed back at 'em...there you the three, then the other two, proceeded to, yell, all at the same time...the moderator ( mostly) , Wolf Blitzer, had lost control of his classroom! the time the other 3 designated panelists got their turn for their biased based Q's of the candy men, it was too late...they were attacked right back by the unruly kids, or was... awful ...did any of these blokes appear presidential?...I suppose, yes... the guy who was mostly out of the chaos, Guv Kasich ... On the l...

Insurance/Doctor Shenanigans

So sometimes, one gets another lesson...of...well, a different way of billing a patient...hmmm...a Doctor/Insurance deal ...what?...geez, how long have we been going to a Doctor's offices?...forever, right?...I suppose one is never too old to learn...when you have been ripped off!... Here's the deal...Marsh has had a leg issue that rendered a few trips to a therapist...a Dr. with a good reputation...3 times...the therapy helped...and that is NOT the's the company that he worked for and their BILLING department... Marsh was told that she was to pay the bill up front, in full, prior to the treatment ...OK, no, 3 times she did of the reasons to go to this therapist, is that it is covered by her insurance...called "in network" far, no problems... Here is where the ordeal began...she then asked if the billing department would pass on to her insurance what she paid, and for what she was paying it would then ...

Wednesday After

Morning ya"ll...I haven't posted as I have had 3 real early golf rounds in a row...hmmm...just the same number that DONALD TRUMP has had in winning his Prez run... Nevada the latest ...which is exactly what Horse has been saying... whoever finishes 2nd or 3rd has no meaning...right? ...maybe...sure seems that the RNC won't let this go more and more party guys are getting in the act..."endorsing" the only guy who has a chance at stopping the Donald Runaway Train...Marco ...nobody, I mean NOBODY names Rafael (Ted) Cruz as their we go to Super Tuesday....and a bunch of states that just may pare this 5 some to a 2 some ...speaking of that, I have to go get ready for my golf... have a great day, kids...

Monday Decaf

Hey now...slow down a bit...the newspapers about the land want to make this Prez Race officially's still state by state, you rags...SC and Nevada has their, is that have?...I dunno...double nouns give you a plural...well, you know....anyway...let's see what Tuesday brings us... There is a long way to go...hey, I get that Super Tuesday is not that far away...kind of figure that Nevada will give the Repubs more concern...much more...than ever the RNC scrambles to find a way to meet the Donald half way...or, they will caucus themselves...bring in the ludicrous Super Delegate protection scheme that the Demos have...cuz of what they have on their hands, right now... PDX had the normal letdown after ripping the best team in the NBA...struggled...slowed down...and barely survived a squeaker at home to Utah...who is one of the very few teams, that is actually tough D, and use the clock...anyway, another win for the Blaz...

As Expected

Remember these days?... '72 ...I bet you don't...politics... Nixon vs McGovern .... The results are in... Nevada Demos picked Hilz , in a narrow expected... South Carolina Repubs picked the Donald expected...the polls were right was Horse...and now...the parties switch states...the aftermath... Jeb Bush has called it the elephants are down to 5...including Kasich and the good Dr...there is a lot of $ that is behind these dudes...Jeb's guys said no where does that leave his followers?...Rubio...picks up endorsers, but NOT actual voters...hmmm, I find that odd...the RNC wants some one other than's already, maybe, possibly...too late, baby...the train is on the runaway mode... You watching any of the LA Open? ...perfect weather in LaLa land...but the course...egads...the bloody greens are a disaster...poana grass...they bobble, weave, bounce, all over the place...just awful...have the pros scratching...