A Park Redone

One of the mysteries of downtown San Diego ...was this park that was named 'The Children's Park' ...kitty corner from the very prestigious 'Children's Museum' ... it was ladened with trees and a shallow pool...and NO PARENT would ever take their kids there... NONE! ... it was a den for the homeless, and or street people ...not sure why anyone that had a nickel in his head would have planned it this way... the powers to be finally realized the situation...duh...and put into the works, a NEW PLAN for the park... We traversed over to it yesterday...and it is a smashing success ...now ... dog park, apparatus for kids to play on, a workout area...ping pong tables...foos ball...corn hole...fenced in entrance...security ...and it was SLAMMED! ... kids everywhere...parents everywhere, too...dog owners in their new place to take their dogs...walk ways, and let's just say ...it is a welcome site for the city....now it is indeed a 'Children's Park' ... Th...