
Ya'll recall when the response to a 'how ya doin'?' , was 'CHILLING!, just chilling', maybe that was 'wassup?' ...of course, it changes all the time...and who does it?...I mean, who starts the slang?... what guy or gal comes up with the phrases, that seemingly EVERYONE uses? they sit in a cubicle and devise what the rest of the population will sing out for the next few months?...does it start on the television?...perhaps...or in a colossal flick that just comes out?...I dunno... far out ...well, rad ... groovy?, it takes a super hipster to say the lingo , then people think it is right on...then, they follow suit and start repeating whatever that may be...right?... dig it? ... If you respond, 'fine' ...then you must be a square ...and NOBODY wants to be a know I once thought that I had it 'made in the shade' if I could afford a $10, 000 car...or a place of me very own, a 'pad' ...and who d...