
Showing posts from September 27, 2020

A Mission of Hope

Not sure if I should start with the National or Local stuff ... first ...ah, let's go with the San Diegan thang... the mighty Padres came back and got the last two of the 3 game series with the Cardinals... won round one! ...on to a neutral Texas...the MLB version of the travel half way across the country, to face the other SoCal team left, the hated Bums of LaLa ...can't we just play them in Anaheim?... Hey, the final game itself was a beaut the managerial staff concocted a relief pitcher only game...that SHUT OUT Saint Looey ... SD used NINE pitchers in the win ....has that ever been done before?...have to think it must be record of sorts...I dunno...but, couple that with some mighty poor defense work by the Cards...and VOILA!... a 4-0 win ... The next set of matchups are a best of 5 ...yup, in the know, there are actually games here in San Diego ...we, too, have a bubble...say what?...but, we host the you confused?...yea...

No One Is Immune

As the WHOLE world has been aware of this virus... the steps needed for avoidance...mask, social distancing, closure...quarantining ...there are those who some how, some way, for some reason...decide that the severity of it...does not point in their direction...this is what happened with Donald J Trump, and unfortunately, too...his wife, Melania ... they BOTH have tested positive for the Covid 19 virus! ...the news of this, has amped up the world, not just the USA... The first inkling came, when the trump advisor, Hope Hicks , declared that she had the virus ...and was on the 'debate' plane with him, traveling to Cleveland... geez, there were an abundant amount of his staff on board...I wonder if they have been checked also?. ..some thing tells me there are more announcements to be made today...or, soon... Wear your distance!...wash your hands...and be very aware of your surroundings... Other.. . The mighty Padres were down, 4-0, it was a dismal sig...

The Harvest Moon

Ah, yes the fall... the trees' leaves turning color ...wait, not so much here...but, other places, yes...this October ... the Halloween month ...hmmm, the bloody bills...due today...the heat, my Gawd, the was 107* in El Cajon yesterday ...(it was a dry heat) really...BUT, if you peered into the sky, you would have well as today...the HARVEST MOON ... a full moon...unique coloring ...this is for the northern hemisphere...that is, if you don't have a cloud cover...the reasoning?...closer we are to Mars, something like this time and place, one doesn't have to have facts to speak, right donny?...I digress...but, the song by Neil Young as catchy as they get ...and NO, orange, you can't use ANY of his songs at your revivals...and so it goes... Before I forget this...the little lady made some scrumpdilleishus pork chops last eve...just like me mom used to make...really...breaded, baked after searing, and languished in some gravy in the c...

Captain CHAOS!

90 minutes of HELL! ...what else might one call it? trump obliterated the rules of debate...often even arguing with the moderator, a FOX guy... 'EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED' to borrow the phrase from Big Brother... bullying, badgering, belittling, interrupting, babbling on ...this was his plan of 'attack' think that Chris Christie and Rudy Guliani did the prep work for him on this... the ultimate CHAOS! ...they are proud?...or, did he just disregard what they said, and did what he wanted... make himself look like a FOOL! ...listen he is what, 74?...going on 13 .... His plan (now he has one)...was to get out that Biden was stupid...that his son, Hunter, was a cheat ...even tho the questions weren't in that area...the response by Biden was presidential... 'I am not going to talk about your kids, I could, but I won't go there' trump regurgitated on...deflected the direct query as to his $750 fed tax payments in his 1st 2 years of being in ...

The Debate

Round ONE of the presidential debates ...tonight at 5...our Cleveland, Ohio... trump vs Biden ...OK, the stage is set...the gloves are on...yes, it will be watched by millions... my take is much like a car race...awaiting a crash ....cuz, the issues are known already...most people are already voting for whom they want, regardless of this confrontation...sorry, kids, but it is a Horse truth.. .the accusations, the dodging of the Q's...the name calling...the intimidation...the sincerity of the answers...the class, or lack thereof. ..we ALL can judge for ourselves... The aftermath of the revelation of the trump taxes ...or non-payments...or ways of beating the system...has a huge impact on many...especially those who WERE on the fence... I found great humor in the forevers, who called out his ploys as 'smart business moves' not pay what you and I are?...c'mon... so, what you are saying, is that YOU will pay, er make up, for what he is NOT PAYING? ...YOU...

We All Pay Taxes

Taxes , the certainty that exists in the USA ... if you work, you pay tax makes the government survive... roughly 30% all told ...after SS, and union dues...state tax...and other stuff...and, of course the biggee, the Fed Tax...let's say you make $60 grand a year...your Take Home pay...after all the aforementioned payments...$42 grand...make that $18 grand a year for the taxes...Fed tax?...probably, $14 grand...ah, like $14,000...right?... let's say you are a billionaire...well, it must be greater than $750 ...what you say?...trump paid just that in his 1st year of...gulp...presidency!...and the next year, too...what is going on here?... And then we find that for the 15 years prior, 10 of those years ... he paid NUTTIN'...ZERO...NADA...0 ...ah, he lost more than he his business dealings...yea, the adjusted gross income...was indeed that... GROSS! ... Scathing report out of the New York Times did trump respond to this? got it... 'Fake News...

Is It Just Me

What's not to love about a Sunday? ...yes'm, your choice on what to do...the school bell does not ring...the boss does not need you...the parking meters are not on...the NFL is is, too, is the NBA...the PGA?...hmmm, somewhere I dunno...JCC (Jimmy Crack Corn from here on out)...not real sure about whether the churches are open or not, if you so desire...the Sunday paper, if you still get one...Master Suduko...the beach...the pool...all day to figure out the special dindin... Speaking of food... we had a terrific anniversary dinner at Eddie V's last eve... gulp, our 46th ...treated so well...the ONLY prob is that we walked there...and Marsh had high heels bueno...the price women pay to look mighty fine...and... THANKS to ALL of YOU , who wished us 'Happy Anniversary' in the Facebook app ...ya'll are so nice... Is it just me ...but are there a plethoras of lawyers, attorneys (whatever they are called) in and around DC? .....