
Showing posts from July 2, 2023

24 Hours

When does 24 hours seem to equal a weekend? ...well, the past one much happened, that it was hard to keep up... yes, we were in Temecula and then Pala ...visited and ate in Old Town...which, my good friends, was way to check in to the hotel in Pala early, which was God we hit the pool and basked with our closest 150 friends or so...interesting layout, as there were like 3 or 4 mini pools...JUST across the area from where the concert was to be held... Seriously, we crossed right in front of the stage...and while we swam and baked ...this group, Little Big Town, did there sound checks...there they most of the 150 went star gazing...and listening...a tease if you will...the concert was an outdoor fun... Off to clean up, do some gambling (moi) and have din din in a fine restaurant prior to the 8 pm show ...yup, I even had Sea Bass, which I promptly switched it for Boss' meal...I am not a Bass fan...we finished 7 minutes before the concer...

The Sushi Experience

You are never too elder to learn ...ha we took it upon ourselves to get out...after din din, to surf the Gaslamp...see what was new and bold... ventured into a slammed sushi restaurant...down on 5th and up the elevator, one goes...the ONLY spot available was at the sushi bar be it, we took it...for youse who know us, this place is right across from where we used to live...the point, get to the point, Horse...we only had a drink... BUT, started to talk to the sushi maker dude...there were five...and he was by far, the fastest...told us how he did it, and what they used...the holding wrapper is a thin radish!...anyhoo, it got me interested, and next time...when we haven't eaten prior...will have one...he recommended the sea is, my friends, an art... You know, I took my own blog entry and did make some fried chicken some bodacious legs at Costco...and decided to fry and also, air fry, some...and check out the difference...the result?...both were fine, BU...

Natty Fried Chicken Day

Ya, you have to throw out the calorie counters...this is the day that really signifies Summer...when we all can enjoy some great FRIED CHICKEN! probably all have places you buy yours...perhaps, you are a cook of sorts...and have a recipe to die for...we here at the home, had a cook off a few years back...combatting BJ Mackle, with her version...the Horse stood up tall and mighty...we called it a draw...thing is, unlike roasting a whole bird, or baking parts... the legs are the true FRIED award winners ...that have the best taste, and are the easiest to consume, right?... The fixins, with it... tater salad ...seriously, no macaroni salad, you heathens... baked beans ...some of youse have a recipe here, too...mine feature the store bought ones... watermelon time for them, now...and some form of biscuit ...gosh, have I made you hungry?...did me... Kentucky Fried?...Colonel Sanders secret recipe ...Canes?...have yet to try them...or, the new add on...chicken sands that you...

Wild Fire

The lowlight...of the extended week, is the onslaught of the killings...the mass we duck and cover...what on earth is going on?. ..the one thing that all these horrific happenings have in common?.. the rapid fire assault rifle...again and again and again...think when the Constitution was written, they thought that people just have single fire muskets, to protect themselves...or hunt for food...they had no idea, that the machine gun weaponry was even a, Congress, figure it is time to adjust that archaic can do it, you really can...swallow the money pill that the NRA gives the RIGHT thing...c'mon, you can do it... The Friars are streaking ...well, we have won 2 in a row...geez, you have to win 2 to get to 3...the bats have come, the relief pitchers are still awful, but even THEY, can't give up 8-10 more tonight vs the this what we have been waiting for?... I must have a crystal bal...

Happy 4th

Hot dogs. hamburgers, ribs, tater salad, baked beans, and apple pie this not the latest and greatest traditional fare for the day?... the 4th of July! ...I suppose in better times, it was...oh no, the Horse is putting a dagger into the festivities...of course, it is all relevant to YOUR very own situation... I cringed, at the latest mass in Philadelphia AND Fort Worth, Texas ...people, like you and I, trying to celebrate the occasion...and get blown apart...the assault rifle at play, know it is so bad and repeated, that Congress doesn't even send out their 'thoughts and prayers'...anymore...too many are turning their blind eye to the horrific occurrences...over 350 of them, thus far...THIS YEAR!... There is this show on the pixels, HULU, I think ...that has this gal of Indian descent, go about the country and sample foods of different regions and ethnicity... 'Taste The Nation' featuring, er starring, Padma Lakshmi is really ...

The Afternoon Edition

You know the drill, the Horse had an early tee, am giving you this in the afternoon...bear with moi...BTW, it was 87* out at Singing max..and I am tired, with a cap T...yet, it was worth it all...gosh, the game of golf is hard... I told you about the mass shooting in leads many shooters?, killers? sorries me so, that we have to deal with this as often as we do...over 350 of them, thus far this year...did you see that right?...over 350!!!...gosh, I hate our Congress...a absolute joke... How can any of these foos, have the ignorance to send their prayers their way...wonder who they are praying to?... Ah, dang it...RHBH, Kyle and Mauricio have split the sheets...after 27 years of marital bliss...too bad, as they seemed to have it together...are any of the 'housewives' married now?... Is it OK, to go to the ball park, with the sole idea of boooooing?... I might just spend a quid and go see 'Indian Jones'...wa...

The Sound of Summer

Positives and Negatives ... as we feel the heat of the summer...the outdoor concerts...the glorious sun beating down on us...the brisk walk from the Bayfront we took in The Beach Boys, the Mike Love/Bruce Johnston version ...the lively show...and it was a rockin'...this may have been the best ever, at least, as good as...we had a fam behind us...BTW, these are terrific seats...that had 2 younger guys in attendance...28 yr olds...and I asked "who do you like to listen to?"...the answer floored me, "The Beach Boys"...really?...bitchin'... In this day of waiting for the stars to emerge...the show started at 7:30 ...really, that was the supposed time...and it did...kept going til 9:45...and YOU KNOW they have that many songs to keep us humming and singing right along...the added John Stamos, was a plus...this dude has non-stop energy...yes, kids, it was just Fun, Fun, Fun... The negative...2 mass shootings over the night in Baltimore, Maryland...2 k...