Happy Festivus!
Bring out the pole...it is time, yet again...to celebrate FESTIVUS! ...for the rest of us...head on up to the mic and air all our grievances...and then, prepare, for the fits of strength...this is totally religion free...you ALL can participate...does one lite the pole?...I guess that is up to the host, er, hostess...yes indeedy, it is but another Festivus miracle... thanks to the outlandish minds of Seinfeld, and, Larry David...to create another unforgettable tidbit... Just as so...the John Grisham book, his latest, 'The Exchange' , is another example of clever and intriguing writing that he does...I finished it in two days...one of those, you can't put down...not sure how these guys keep coming up with their ideas... Last eve, we watched some YouTube stuff...Christmas Vids...music...you know, just to get in the mood...and happened on a vintage one ... Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby ...that had as their ads, Bulova Watch and Chesterfield Cigs...as Frank said that was his w...