
I was wondering when Prez O was going to step in and give his thoughts about the Donald ...well now...apparently he had had enough of Trump's theories on FOREIGN POLICY ...of course, the Donald (and ALL Repubs) has been ripping the Prez for about 8 months for, not so surprised...just wondered when...well, it is should help Hilz...I think...Fox just released a blazing docu on our Prez and as they say "bumbling about" in the middle east...coincidental that Prez O comments on Trump?...hmmm... Tesla ...the car that is intriguing to many...electric...comes with a healthy price tag...order one...and wait 6 months + for it to arrive...hmmm...the company is releasing a smaller and more affordable in the $35 grand market...people are flocking to the site...actually standing IN LINE at our local mall to order have got to be kidding me....only in SoCal... Final 4 ...who you got?...the 2 games today...Villanova and Oklahoma...ear...