It's A Good Thing

Morning, ya' have the top 20 world leaders in one's a good meet and talk about the issues that are at hand...a good bring the US in face to face conversations with both Russia and China ... is a good thing ...say what you want in the negative...but, to have these talks are priceless...sorry, MasterCard, but I had to use it...forgive moi... All this hullabaloo about the kid from the NY Yankees ...and I am not talking about Headley, Lindsey ...but the Judge guy ...who has hit 30 home runs this fast in the season...well now, he is a specimen...but, let's not forget that the ball appears (?!) to be a different compression this year...nevertheless, it is what it is...and he is tearing the hide off of it...wait, it's so hard, you can't...I digress... Live PD see this?...Police Depts all over the USA doing their job...and we get to see them in action...LIVE!...they don't get paid enough for what they do.... Chief Don...