Iran Pushing the Envelope

There are extreme warning signs out there, kids... IRAN ...flexing, I guess you could call it... shooting down the US drone , for a starter...and now, detaining a couple, like TWO UK tankers. ..British ones...and it's a different reaction than the one that Donny put forth...their words, the Brits, have teeth...I keep thinking that Trump's stance is connected to point is this... we are on the verge of conflict...real conflict ...that we may get involved in, by the connection we have with Great Britain...we need a negotiator, not a clown in control... Hey, whatever happened in Venezuela? ...the 'inevitable' overthrow of the government, apparently was squashed...have you noticed that there is NOTHING being released anymore about this?...Trump and his regime, said that they were behind the revolution...but were told by Putin to stay out of it...did we?...this bother you at all?... Here in the mainland, we are watching Trump dodge accusations after a...