Like in PURE DOMINANCE! ... Martin Kaymer ...up by 6 in the US Open at the halfway point...back to back 65's...on a course that has some just scratching their heads...just ask Bubba what he thinks of it...hey, I know...there is another 36 holes to go...but for now... just a brilliant start ...and...all 5 of my pix made the's up to him to keep it going...usually, this type of lead stands up...but...there is so much pressure in this game...all by yourself... I haven't watched a bit of the Stanley Cup Playoffs until last the LA Kings won double OT...have to admit, these blokes are very fine athletes ...and the game itself, is soooo much more exciting than soccer...not sure exactly what a foul they ram into each other all the time...and where were the fights?...thought that was part of the game?... No changes for the Badres ...and I mean they looked pathetic again ...playing a road trip against other turrible teams...and are...