Da Weekend

The biggest surprise on my docket?...witnessing the passage of the INFRASTRUCTURE BILL by Congress ..don't know why, but I didn't think it would go thru...there was just enough crossover votes from the Repubs, to carry it...no that there wasn't crossover votes from the Demos against it...which brings me to this... do these elected officials vote the way their constituents want?...or do they vote the way they THINK their constituents SHOULD desire? ...er, spinelessly, voting via party lines...only... The bill itself has plenty of relief for the roads and bridges that are crumbling throughout the land ...the improvement of mass transit ... more electrical stations and electrical mass transit items... broadband connections for the hard to get to parts of the country, er, the web net...and more, the creation of MILLIONS of jobs! ...point is, something that we need in the worst way, as much of our passage ways are almost 100 years old... It now goes to the desk of Prez B to s...