THE Error

It's the name in the news...and I can remember that situation like it was we were at a Coaches getaway ...talking about the upcoming season... '86 World Series I was a Met fan at the time...I suppose I have wavered my allegiances so much over the know when your base is in Oregon, you just may change teams was a BIG DEAL to go and see a Big League game...I digress...Mookie Wilson was at bat...and the Red Sox sent out BILL BUCKNER to 1B to keep his bat in the lineup...a very good hitter...yet, he was hobbled due to an injury...and Mook hit a curling squiggly grounder to him...and it worked it's way through the legs of Buckner...which led to the winning rally by the Mets...which I was jumping up and down about...this was game 6...NY won the 7th and the Series... In Boston, it was a tragedy ...and moreso for he was saddled with the biggest blooper in the history of the franchise...and for years...I mean YE...