
Showing posts from September 29, 2019

The Fall

My, that has double meaning to it... The Fall ...could be the weather ...the changing of the leave's color...that is, if you have them...brisk mornings...warm afternoons...light breezes...ah ha, of course that is down here in SoCal...where you live?...well now, I heard from Big Larry that it was snowing in Central Oregon. much for the fall...skipped it right into winter...sounds kinda cool to moi...ah ha, another double meaning... The Fall just could be the impending doom of the present inhabitant of the White House ...try as he may, to drum up diversions...the cast is set...the depth keeps getting weird to hear who is in the room, when Trump makes his 'phone calls'...those who are rumored to 'school him', as he disregards any of their attempts, and flies by the seat of his...well, you can guess... Tweetstorms calling...digging up Hillary's texts from the past...hey, that's the key word...digging... try to find a way to smoke...

Calm Before The Storm

Hi and a great hello to you out there in this great big world of was your weekend?...pretty dang good we are prepping for a Cosmo trip to the Grand Canyon ...egads, news out of there, is that some bloke jumped to his death yesterday....well, you will not see me get even remotely close to those edges...I can take pix from a goodly distance away , just fine, thank you...and I do plan on getting one to add to my collection, for sure... On a personal note, the Horse is going to go without shaving for the length of the trip...ah, just to see how ratty I can, prepare yourself for a whitish stubble that resembles...well, I dunno, and we'll see what it looks, that ought to make you come back for some pix...ha ha... The calm before the storm the House is getting ready for the next levels of impeachment ...perhaps, securing the 'whistleblower' to speak to it is rumored...the list of subpoenas are getting readied...I h...

National Coffee Day

Not exactly sure who or what we are to celebrate on this day... the coffee bean? ...or, the companies that produce the brew?...I dunno, but the Horse can't do without at few, maybe three, cups of every single morning...what the heck, it is National Coffee Day , this September 29th. do you like yours?... black? ...really, shouldn't that be brown? ... In a restaurant, when you order your breakfast, and your coffee...does he or she not ask you how you want your coffee? ...what if I said, brown?...sugar?...cream?...I'm sorry kids, for muddling up a very simple little question...but, C'mon.... Here at the zoo , I have gone thru so many ways of brewing up the bean...and seemingly a number of machines that do so...from a grind and brew (3, I think) a grinder (for fresh? beans) a somewhat normal put in a filter bag, and push the button one (like at least 5) what we do now...the ultimate cheezy and easy, the K cup and the Keuri...