
Showing posts from July 12, 2020

The Weekend

Ah, sorry mateys ...missed yesterday due to a very early tee time ...and... I got over-served the nite before... my promise to you, is that I will find that culprit and severely punish the can trust me on this ...the golf game was off much for my former golf pros theory that I paid $35 bucks for, "listen pardner, some of my best rounds were after a big nite out"...give me a break... Did you know that there is actually a music person called The Weekend? ...maybe, it is The Weeknd...I dunno...something like that... Watched an interview by Cuomo with Mary Trump ... she is well spoken, articulate and highly believable ...I can see why Orange wanted her blocked from talking about him...thing is, his 'base' will be unaffected by what she says...they don't care...the other 70% of the Americans, that is another story...check the numbers, kids... Sad to hear the passing of the 17 term Congressional , John Lewis ...when a lad of just 23, he wa...

The Time Capsule

Morning all!... what a glorious day to be had...well, weather wise the Horse's version of Throwback Thursday ...I jumped the gun on it, as I used the Grand Canyon photos for yesterday's blog...these were taken in the past year...June, I think ...thought I said it, but wasn't very clear, many people responded on the place...way cool...if you haven't been, put it on your bucket list...and yes, T.O., we watched taking selfies there ...took me awhile to figure out what you it...ah, duh... 'take one step back, Marsh' ...maybe she said that to me, 'one step back, Horse'... In the here and now ...with so many states in complete agony over this virus...either shuttering, or very nearly doing so... out of the ashes comes the state of Georgia!...(Jorja?) ...where their leadership (?) says that they are banning the recommended use of masks. ..wait, what? don't have to wear masks?...I thought the 'bubble' wa...

THE Grand Canyon

Not that long ago...our trip to THE Grand Canyon ...Marsh just sent me this pix and I had to use it as my blog background...if you haven't been, it is a must do...ah, once...spectacular views...but, if ya'll have any case for height stuff, you may have problems...7,000 feet up, or so...seems like so long ago, now...there are trails that you can go on, if you are the type... Tripping out...the commentary by Huge Orange he altered the beauty of the rose garden, and turned it into a slam session on Joe Biden...ALL stations (including FOX) broke away from their coverage when he started in on his bellowing...what a do I really feel?... This am, there is an interview of Mary Trump George S, from GMA...I'm sure she will have some beauts on her uncle...imagine....that much distrust and hatred...has to be earned...I think...I heard that she has asked him 'to resign'...if so, I'll join in the chorus of that song... Snooki's song of the ...

Tuesday Treats

Guess who is about to celebrate it's 83rd birthday? ...this upcoming Friday...OK, I gave you the teaser, already with the pix...yesssiree, Bob, it is Krispy Kreme ...nostalgia now...bear with me (bare?)...when we took our annual trip to Maui ...(noticed I said it in the past tense)...and landed at the Kahului Airport...we would immediately stop at their Costco for supplies...then do the same at the Krispy Kreme store ...hmmm, yup, sweet treats for the vacay...I had no idea that they were gonna be 83 years in operation... The Cali guv regressed and put a stoppage on many services ...apparently, could not trust the people to self govern the Covid numbers continue to rise...mostly inside stuff...wear your masks, distance...cleanse your hands and face...repeat...often...and pray for a vaccine...soon... LA and SD schools have already announced that this fall, will all be by virtual classes ...totally opposite of what Huge Orange wants...and his p...

Pitter Patter

Morning, kids's a golf day, so...we are going to talk with you about the things that have popped up...but, in a more brief form than usual...OK?... like a chit chat, er, babbling about...well, prattling...whatever ya'll want to call it... The T in Ohio , turned into an OT!...the 3 dudes I mentioned in yesterday's blog were at the top...JT, Morikawa, and Hovland...the youngster, Collin Morikawa won JT missed a couple of makable putts...did I ever tell ya how hard that game is?...unfortunately, it was on a delayed basis to watch...kind of made it not as exciting... A couple of big bangs down on the bay, one of the US ships caught fire ...21 aboard injured...'they' haven't released the reasons why to the bang...yet...selfishly, the wind was going south, so we didn't get any of the smoke downtown... Watched a flick, via Apple TV + ...yet another subscription cost... $6 a month?. ..something like that...cheaper (and safer) ...

Funky Cold Medina

I am in one of THOSE moods ... woke up up feeling funky weird...not bad, just odd...and this bloody song kept ringing in me not know why... 'Funky Cold Medina' . recall it?...I always thought it said, 'funky comedina' many tunes, I really did or do not know the lyrics...just the melody, and, er, the this one... by Tone Loc early 90's?...somewhere about in that era... So, I switched today's type set , to something just as funky...kinda hard to read?...maybe it changes the mood of the message...I dunno...never said that the Horse was, in any way...another example of...but, thanks for returning and reading moi... The T in Ohio ...ah, it just may be JT's to win... Justin Thomas out for the real young guns, though... Vic Hovland and Collin Morikawa ...they are lurking and playing mighty well...hey, one of them other JT's... Justin Timberlake , when has he had a hit lately?