
Showing posts from June 7, 2020

Da Weekend

As we were on our trip to La Jolla , to seek out a terrarium of our stops was in Little Italy, ya'll know we are talking San Diego.. .the restaurants are back are the bars ...listen, 2 pm, they were slammed!...people were seeking and finding... RELIEF , I reckon'.. .the apparent quarantine, lifted. ..I say, proceed with extreme caution ...not so sure, that many others feel the same way... For some odd reason, I had trouble sleeping last eve...could have been that there was music coming out of the condos near us REAL LOUD! ...can only imagine what it was like in that building...perhaps, more celebratory emotions let out...coupled with that, is there is NO gala noise festival at 8 pm in the hood. ..the solidarity sounds, are just GONE...not sure who called it...maybe it was just the fact that it was a Friday... The best part of the day ...was that our pool was open...albeit, with restrictions...numbers allotted and all...we had th...

I Run To You

Sometimes, something comes along that needs very little commentary... the song that Snooki suggested this am, is by Lady A ...who just dropped their original name of Lady Antebellum. the Antebellum refers back to the way it the south... slavery era ...the group, Dave Haywood, Hillary Scott, and Charles Kelley , decided it would be appropriate to do it is, the lyrics... 'I Run To You' ... written by them and performed by them...their first hit.... I run from hate I run from prejudice I run from pessimists But I run too late I run my life Or is it running me? Run from my past I run too fast Or too slow it seems When lies become the truth That's when I run to you This world keeps spinning faster Into a new disaster so I run to you I run to you baby And when it all starts coming undone Baby you're the only one I run to I run to you We run on fumes Your life and mine Like the sands of time Slippin...

The Orange Rally

I keep hearing that there will be a rally...that Huge Orange is going to get his yah yahs out ...just like before the pandemic set in... where he rants, raves, and bellows out his pestilent words ...accusing the Demos, or whomever is in his way, of bad know the drill...the amazing thing, is that there are people who will actually SHOW UP! ...listen, kids... there is no vaccine, yet ...does he not know? they not know?...c'mon, people...yet, it is is to be tomorrow (now, I am hearing a week from tomorrow, the 19th) ... in Tulsa, Oklahoma ...there is some timing to this, too...history... I keep hoping to hear that it will be postponed... Maybe there is some tie in to the masses in the protests...the lack of 'social distancing' was extreme the past 10 days or so...doesn't make it right, for, he must think it is OK...good lord... Did you see the debacle in the voting process in Georgia? ...lines of cars, and people...awaiting to...

Cover This, Cover That

Part of the music world, exists due to some absolutely great songs... that people, groups, whatever, redo ...this is called doing 'COVERS' ...used to be, when we were going to gigs, to dance...there would be a band playing...that we would 'dance' to...and ALL of their set was ones of the time period...I can't tell you how often I boogied to songs by CCR...ah, Credence Clearwater form of dancing was usually a myriad of rolling me arms about...absolutely, no rhythm...I digress... When the Beatles shot onto the scene...many of their first hits were just like that... covers ...none better than 'Twist and Shout' ...actually, they had 25+ songs , that were...covers...mostly rock songs that they did from the Americans...then, Lennon and McCartney wrote and sang their own...and the rest is history.... Many artists, did not write...but interpreted the songs that were already out there...and were outstanding...I think to Linda Rondst...

Ah Gee...

Great day in the morning! about starting it off with a Dr appt ...and it wasn't light... EKG...blood drawn...a check up of check ups...egads...poked and prodded...and probed. ..and well, it's over...nothing like leaving the have a greater sense of being...not so sure about the well, part... ha ha... Getting ready for the MLB draft ...only 5 rounds this a cost saving measure by the suddenly miser laden owners...just hope they don't set the game back a few years...there are a lot of kids that have become stars, that were drafted in later, who knows... Gwynn in the infamous Mr. Padre...Tony Gwynn ...did you know he was not only drafted in beisbol, but in the NBA...hoops...a star at San Diego St in both sports...not many have been...anywhere... 'Good for...' ...your current inhabitant of the White House Tweeted this, 'Defunding Police would be good for robbers and rapists'. ..I can't make...

Another View

Geez, you might say that...this is a view of the Bay in San Diego ...there are times that I just don't appreciate it enough...especially, as we head into a week + of terrific weather...often, we jaunt down to the water, and just gander at the world going by us...totally SERENE at times...ah, 'totally', followed by 'at times?'...not sure if they go...ha KNOW what I mean... Another view...smashing comments by General Colin Powell ...about Trump...letting it all out...and in the end, saying that he would not vote for him, but for Joe Biden! ...even as a Repub...calling Trump a liar, and one who drifts away from the retort, Big Orange , lambasted the General...with derogatory comments...blah blah blah....just another mark against know, it wasn't that long ago, that I was figuring that Powell might run for the Presidency...and would have made a great I thought... Have to admit that the results of the masses who m...

Sunday Morning, Say 'Ah!'

With all of the possibles, that could have transpired...the protests that could have gone array...the  morning brought out a huge 'SIGH!'...they were peaceful and purposeful...which, in my estimation, carry so much more meaning and power...congrats to their leadership...staying on point... Read a terrific article that was in the Trib the sports dude, Calepa...a long standing writer for the he went back into time and did a correlation of what it's like being...not one of his fellow collaborators...was black...the obvious treatment that he got, compared to what his friend, went through...was striking and worthy of retelling...just passing through the turnstiles of an Calepa walked right on, and his friend was often...stopped...and one example... Very similar observations that I went a young man...not being black, but being a Native American...the kind way that people now call us...then, ...