The Iranian Government has released that they UNINTENTIONALLY took down the Ukranian passenger plane ...fearing the US may be in the critical air space...some reasoning...as we, the World's people, watch and listen in angst...what is next?... and now, we hear from the Ukraine's President yet again...demanding penalties to those involved... To the average Joe, not sure how many times the country of Ukraine was brought up in conversations... prior to the Trump Regime going after info on Biden's son ...which is the foundation to his Impeachment ... If what Trump has just boasted in his talk to the Nation...that we no longer need the Iranian oil ...that we are self sufficient... then, why oh why, are we over there? ...we add stability to the region?...give me a break... 300 days ...that's how long it's been since the present inhabitant of the White House has given OUR people a press conference ...where the press can ask 'why?'...I can not fathom a...