
Can you blame the city of Boston ?...absolutely EUPHORIA! the 2nd of the two cowards was captured ...hiding in a boat...and now the story continues...why?...who all was involved?...why would a reportedly normal guy, change up and decide to kill innocents?... The people were relieved and took to the streets, yup, the ones that they were to stay off of...and had the celebration of their lives... And now we get to securing our country even more...extreme detective work...deportations....better screening on foreign students...(let them study in their own land)...carefully scrutinize certain religious sections...hey, I'm being real...tighten our borders...hey, am I wrong?... Praise to the police...they showed such great ability and protective services... And the story will go on...this is NOT over... OK, here's my mundane regular take on the sports stuff... The Pads play tough and still lose to the Giants in the 9th...what is called a game winner...a walk off... ...