
Happy Halloween kids...here we go, a lesson on what the day actually is...the roots go way back...waaaaay back...like Celtic times ...actually a Gothic Festival...really called Hallows' Evening...of course, the years moved on...lots of 'em, and the new country, you know where the INDIGENOUS people were ...took it on...yes, and now it is a celebration of trick and treating ...parties, and people dressing up as people they are not...or want to be...or fantasize to be...I always wanted to be the Lone Ranger...thus, one year, I was...not Tonto, mind you, but Kimosabe...I digress... Let's indeed go back in time...when you went treating...what was your favorite candy to get?...well, if you got a big candy bar, like any one of 'em...that was the best...but, now, it's all mini bars...back to the Q... Snickers, Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, 3 Musketeers, M&M's ...but, certainly not any FRUIT!...or cookies... remember the Mountain Bars?...or Big Hunk...or Idaho S...