
Showing posts from June 24, 2018

Extended Weekend?

There are those out there in the fake world , that have started this Saturday as the extended weekend ...going to incorporate the 4th of July in ...shoot, might as well include the following Sat & Sun, too...while they are at it...let's call this the weekend of all weekends ... June 30 thru July 8 ...take it off! up the barbie...slap on the burgers...schedule a trip to Vegas ( we have)...get a new batch of them stogies...pop the can of the 805...what am I missing?...nuttin, honey... Beisbol , I guess I am missing... and apple pie ...well, get this... the predictable Padres lost the home opener to the Pittsburgh Pirates last eve...this is the pattern... losing 18 of the last 19 first games, in the last 19 series ...egads, now THAT is a pattern...disgusting...really...but, a reality...nothing fake here... There is a bloke ( maybe a babe?) who never misses putting his (her?) flag out every am...and takes it down every eve...ah, the USA one...across the way from us...

Bevos Win!

Your '18 National Beisbol Champs? ...none other than the pride of the Pacific Northwest, the Oregon State Beavers! ...sensational run at the CWS...losing their first game, in the last 2 series...battling back, and winning them the Head Coach, Pat Casey , THREE champs rings ...totally awesome... Being a Duck and Aztec fan , I show no hard feelings here... pride for the state and that team, yes...if I can't root for my teams, the Bevos get me vote... timely hitting, solid defense, and rattling pitching ...that will do the 3rd and final game to determine who is the CHAMP! ... Purists , may have been shaking their heads, as to the pitch count...of Akers , the San Diego product, I might add...well over 130 for the game, and something like 23 the night before ...BUT, being a former coach and all...I say hogwash to ask him how he he laboring?... go with your gut...Casey did ...and, the only hurt he may have suffered, was being on bot...

The Deciding Vote

As we meander about our daily lives, wondering just what NEXT is gonna happen...that is about to affect what we say, do, and or think...we get this notice from SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US)... one of it's nine is set to retire ... Justice Anthony Kennedy ...NO!...say it isn't so, Tony!...not now...with a Republican Prez at the helm... a conservative will be put up to replace him... As I led with me blog title for the day, whoever is chosen will be... The Deciding Vote ...a trip back into the 50's we are a going...maybe... two major points of interest are: abortion and same sex anything as we know it today, may change an evangelical mode of living...set forth by laws of the land that will be sent down by the Court...scary stuff? betcha... Outcries of the Democrats fear the worst...a 'Right Wing Civil Court' is the hot topic...but, the Horse sees a silver lining in it ...there has been a severe lack of leadership in the Demo Part...

Wednesday What the ?

As we peer into the end of...gulp... June ...where did it go?...we also may be getting a glimpse of what is emerging out of the opposition party, the Democrats's a small sample size, albeit...yet maybe, EXTREMELY noteworthy the Mid Term Elections are upon bigger eye opening shocker than out of New York the race for the House, a 28 year old self called 'socialist', Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , beat the 10 term incumbent, Joseph Crowley ...who many thought that had a chance for being the leader of the Demos in Congress... My fear is that there is a lack of leadership in the Democrats ...that the DNC has NO to speak...and the gap is widening with the Trump regime, and the Republicans , I guess ...he is one of them, right?...gulp, and it appears, that if those running are endorsed by him, THEY WIN! ...the easy synopsis is, that the right has got their stuff together...and are rambling on and on and on... However, look a bit deeper......

Pol-i-tic tic tic-s

When has this daily political abyss been so evident?...wherever you turn, whether it be by newspaper pages, TV channels, click of web net sites, or the ever present social media...the lines have been drawn and deepened...throw in just conversations with friends and neighbors, it has become almost radical...some won't allow their spouses to even TALK about POL-I-TIC TIC TIC-S ... The Horse has an opinion that we are not there, will get even worse ...gone is the day of rhetoric...the 'put in motion' phase is upon us... the T Level...of the Trump regime ... trade, tariffs, the wall, the immigrants, er, 'torn apart'. what is next?...reports are that his ratings have INCREASED!...which means what?... So, when I say it will 'get worse' there are many others that say it will 'get even better' ...and there you have it...the great divide which is getting even it as simple as Republican vs Democrat?...I don't think so.....

Misuse of Power

Morning, kids...I bet you may be thinking I am going to write about the current Prez...with the headline being 'Misuse of Power' ...but no, I am going to take you another one...that did so...and resigned the office... Richard Nixon ... MSNBC ran a show on this...originally aired 5 years ago... Watergate ...a 1970's blight on the power that existed in our country by the highest elected official we unforgettable look at it, with the awesome flick 'All The President's Men' ...starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford they portrayed the writers, like late 20 year old journalists... Carl Bernstein and Robert Woodward ... As they unraveled a plot by the Republicans on the specific, tied to the Prez...a covert action to get at files of the Demos...were caught...and the rest of the story...was the connection that that led to the President, NIXON...the actual break in was at the Watergate Hotel, in DC...the enormity of it all...

The Anomalies

So you want to have a name thrown at ya...try this one on for size... a transplanted Fallbrook bloke residing in South Carolina...joined us for breakfast this morning...well, we didn't have a choice...he was there, and we were going to listen to him...unlike many people, he DID ask about us...and was flabbergasted! ...that we were THE ones that he had heard of to move from Orygun to SoCal ...he tickled himself and ended his conversation like this... 'I am going to tell my wife that I met the Anomalies , from Oregon!' see, most of the movement goes the other direction, Cali to Oregon...whatever... The Beach Boys were great...again ...missing were the extra dudes that sometimes accompany the band...made no difference, as they rocked and rolled and the people did too... the venue was outdoors...actually in an enclosed area, like a courtyard was sold out and there came a casino was severely undermanned and unprepared for the numbe...