Extended Weekend?
There are those out there in the fake world , that have started this Saturday as the extended weekend ...going to incorporate the 4th of July in ...shoot, might as well include the following Sat & Sun, too...while they are at it...let's call this the weekend of all weekends ... June 30 thru July 8 ...take it off!...fire up the barbie...slap on the burgers...schedule a trip to Vegas ( we have)...get a new batch of them stogies...pop the can of the 805...what am I missing?...nuttin, honey... Beisbol , I guess I am missing... and apple pie ...well, get this... the predictable Padres lost the home opener to the Pittsburgh Pirates last eve...this is the pattern... losing 18 of the last 19 first games, in the last 19 series ...egads, now THAT is a pattern...disgusting...really...but, a reality...nothing fake here... There is a bloke ( maybe a babe?) who never misses putting his (her?) flag out every am...and takes it down every eve...ah, the USA one...across the way from us...