
Showing posts from December 13, 2020

Moderna for Emergency?

The FDA has approved the 2nd Covid 19 vaccine , made by Moderna ...for EMERGENCY PURPOSES ... if this isn't an emergency situation, then what is? ...c'mon, folks, let it out for everyone NOW!!!...good lord, you have got to be kidding...don't make me write that the FDA is the Federal Dummy Agency...get your act together and get the vaccines out, throughout the country... I know I repeatedly hammer this point...but, to have any 'leader' block any amount of the a crime... OK, let's get the vaccines in the arms of our citizens ASAP. .. How about them Ducks! ...makes you wonder who the Trojans have played to be undefeated...well, not anymore...and to that fellow that bragged them up to me... can hardly wait to see that bloke ...yes, UO won it...and are the PAC 12 champs!...well, asterisk here...the situation was odd...of course, USC HC Helton will feel the heat again ...let me finish this piece with this...the Trojans have better players overall...bu...

Trickle Down?

As we have long accepted the generality of the  differences of our two parties in the US of A... the rich cats of the Republicans , and the common man of the Democrats ...the Horse was the one that saw it differently...first and foremost, there is lots of money in both...there once was a boatload of unions...not so much anymore...the fragmentation within both parties is confusing...whatever happened to the Tea Party?...the ultra rich, have gotten richer...what was suggested a mere 50 years ago, by Prez Reagan...that feed the upper tier, and the common man would benefit, too...the TRICKLE DOWN ...???... I dunno...I'm just talking here... with 1/3 of the eligible people NOT voting the best of times...well, this confuses moi...why not?...and 50% of the people not paying taxes there a trickle down? many are still on food stamps?...the homeless and or, street people appear to have multiplied...all over the place... Politics bewildering...but, this I find a tru...

Battle Lines

In south SoCal, namely San Diego...we have a natural dilemma...the Guv has closed the restaurants...well, take out only...and the owners are at wits end...or, cash end...some have refused...kept their outside seating going...most have not...and yet, a judge has allowed a pair of strip clubs to remain open...ah, what? there MAY be a reprieve on the closures... BATTLE LINES BEEN DRAWN ...all the while, the Covid numbers have risen... The Pfizer inoculations have begun... Moderna is close...keep it coming, we are in dire need...but in the MEAL TIME, the restaurant people want to survive, is a quandary... Must tell you about a sanger from Nashville ...who has been doing the most wonderful of all thangs...going around to nursing homes, and singing for the people there...of course, many ladened with this horrific virus...quarantined from name it...she has been in courtyards, on sidewalks, and well, wherever the inhabitants can see and hear her... Morga...

It's All About The Connection

Let's get we, er I, got a new sound bar...with the latest gizmo from SONOS...and, of course, the TV is too old to compatibly connect to it...we can get the Dolby 5.1...but, the newest, nope...sure seems like this is what happens all the time...Apple does this too...something doesn't match up, with the past, the TV has to have eARC in it...whatever that me, Rhonda... Speaking of connections...the one between Mitch and trump is fraying...Mitch recognized Joe Biden as Prez-elect...and donny is furious...!!! I have said often, trump fires or loses everyone eventually...he can't fire Mitch...but will try like hell to make his life miserable thru his base of....well, you know...Lindsey is next... Rudy, the minister of madness, finally gave up in NYC...was called back to DC...head down in shame...and was assigned a new task...go to Georgia to help the cause...keeping the mascot of the Atlanta MLB team as the Braves...we call this 'Inj...

Oh What A Day

Morning, kids! was what it was supposed to be... the Electoral College did it's thing ...and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are our next Prez and, drum roll please, Madame Vice Prez! ...the glorious moment in time, is always badgered by the scrupulous ways of trump...refusing to concede...trying everything that money, that he is using from others, can afford to waste away... Let's start with the very good ...the Biden/Harris ticket won by 7 million votes, and 70 electoral votes ...the will of the people has spoken...the cabinet that he has chosen, is filled with quality folk...of course, the Senate has something to say about the members...more due I have said repeatedly over the past year... we are going back into reality...and to the safe haven of NATO...returning to OUR allies , and bidding adieu to trumps' Putin and Kim... The bad. this not similar to other wannabe dictator types?... huddled up in their bunker, with the last 'yes men a...

The EC Closes It Out

At long last, this Monday, December 14, 2020 ... the Electoral College will finalize the presidential vote for this season ...and name Joe Biden as President .. .the futile efforts of the loser, trump, are now history 'they' still write history books?...if so, this shall be a doozy...and yes, the popular vote went the same as the electoral one ...not always...but this time... No more more's over ... do a reality check, donny ...pack your bags...Tweet all you want, but your readers have been dwindling...most know what you are all about...let's move on... The Covid 19 vaccine by Pfizer is in the hands of the medical field that is to use it... who, what, and where is the Q ...but, the process will commence today... A passage that was indeed needed...another sport team dropping their racial nickname... the Cleveland 'Indians' ...look back into time, as their mascot was absolutely dreadful...the caricature...last year it was the NFL...

Maple Bars

Theoretically, one could conclude that the Horse has gone wack ... off his rocker...totally unstable ...this is certainly NOT THE CASE! see, when one (er, we) lives in a 35 story high rise ...a Condominium...(why is that capitalized, google?)...sauntering out into the hallway, there can be a myriad of smells that...can permeate...or might titillate the senses...well, the aroma of the day ...quite often we will have this scent of bodacious food...and we try to figure out from what unit it is coming (from ?)...many of the people on our floor have been queried and all deny it is them...true dat...OK, enuff...for the past two days, there has been this totally intoxicating one...that of MAPLE BARS! ...might some one be making them?...what else might it be?...yes, I have felt like, to just go out and SHOUT!...stop this!... no mas...I can't take it ... You see, when I was just a young lad ...many moons ago... we, er my parents, had many mouths to feed ...often would go to the local...