
Showing posts from July 22, 2018

Fire Season

There is a SEASON for this?...around Cali there is...and so, up and down the entire West Coast...the deadly FIRE SEASON! ...sadly, often the fires are set by people... yup, intentionally lit ...take a look at the fire maps...and you can see where there are these burning right now... Is this a phenomena that is a direct result of Global Warming? ...I can think back to days in Oregon, where the farmers routinely set their OWN fields on fire ...'controlled blazes' August...then, reseeded their land...and repeated the action the next year...does that still go on?... the fires is NOT the Global Warming , duh...but the very brittle conditions ...are... Seemingly unaffected is the product capitol of the US...fruits and vegetables...central Cali... on the OTHER side of the mountain range ...but on this where we are vulnerable...lack of rain, of course... Up in NoCal there is a blaze in the Redding area that is absolutely, MASSIVE ...deadly....

He Said...then so did Donny

We have ourselves a Donny-brook ...the latest in the revelations of the former Trump personal attorney, Michael Cohen that Donald J Trump KNEW about the meeting with the Russians in the TRUMP Tower... prior to it happening ...I guess, we are beyond whether or not it took MUST have...ah ha... POTUS denies it...what?...yes, my friends, here we go... Cohen said this, and Donny said it didn't go that way ... PERFECT ...the stage is set...and NOW we can get at it... Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall ...let's just sit back and watch the fireworks... Well, kids...I know it's not me being in the middle...I'm not ...there is too much the 'leaks' are done...daily...for more of an impact, I reckon...sorry, Stan, but it is needed...can Pence handle the job?... Other... The nation's football team...the Dallas Cowboys ...remember when they were called that?...not so much anymore...the NFL has grown and spread out it...

Silence of the Lambs

Not many flicks as eerie as this one, right?... The Silence of the Lambs ...the stars were Jodie Foster and of course, the villain, Anthony Hopkins ...remember his role as... Dr. Hannibal Lecter? ...well now, borrowing the nomenclature of silence your enemies...or, those who just may have the goods on you...ya'll just can't rub them out, via the Mafia (allegedly)... There must be other ways ... ban those  (her) who may ask questions too loudly, and er, too often at press conferences...have the audacity to persevere their probing...hey, maybe try this... drum up some of your fellow conservative Repubs to draft an impeachment process of the DOJ dude who is getting too close to the Russian Collusion possibility...see where that may take you... I'm sure those guys, thought of doing that all by themselves... But, just how can you silence your former attorney? ...ah, a real problem...a Tweet may help... 'What kind of a lawyer would release audio tapes like tha...

Tape No. 1

Morning ya''s that heat of yours?...the prediction for round here, is not as bad as they (weather dudes & babes) told us...still, not good...too hot for moi...and in a few minutes or so, I will be in the extreme heat out at Sycuan...chasing that lil ball...96*... Dang if Michael Cohen , didn't have his tapes of his conversations with Donny after all ...and dang if we didn't hear a bit of one of them last's my spin...this is just a tickler...there are others, said to be 12 in all...that are more in depth...and MUST be doozies...wooah, the thing about the live voice, it makes it harder to claim 'fake news'...payouts for indiscretions...alleged think he is squirming a bit right now?...the seat must be getting hot... In the state of New York , it only takes one of the parties to say it's OK to release a taped conversation...guess which one is?...ha ha... Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall... OK, here we go on other.....

Silencing Your Critics

In yet another unprecedented move, POTUS is threatening to pull 'security clearance' on 6 former heads, or assistant heads, of National Security officials... people who were in the elite of the the FBI, CIA, and National Defense ...5 of them had worked for Demo AND Repub Presidents...then why did he do this? ... cuz he can...and they had the audacity to question what he is doing ...WITH the be clear, he may have to deal with many more Americans who feel the exact same way those SIX do ...for a terrific description of this, by Donny's so called Fake News channel, must watch the commentary by Erin Burnett ...I know this is Shark Week, but we are also in dangerous waters in the political arena... Disgusting ...I find no other word to describe what Donny's press secretary, or whatever she is called... Sarah Huckabee Sanders , as she stands up in front of the Press, and rips the former leaders of the US Intelligence a mocking way, delive...

Off In The Heat

Hi, kids...maybe not the smartest move...but, I am off playing golf in this bloody heat, will post again tomorrow... A few thangs...yesterday, I wrote about the 'Third Party'...which should have been the, 'Third Way'...yes, them Demos right of Bernie, but left of any Repubs... The dude playing WITH Tiger, won the Open...Francesco Molinari...Italian...he has been hot hot hot... Another mass shooting, this time in Toronto...and the press is saying ho hum....really?... Mission Beach felt like Maui yesterday...oh yea...and whomever had the biggest and latest tent or sun blocking structure, won the day... The quickest and most simple way to handle the kneel or stand dilemma in the NFL?...stay in the locker room while the Anthem is being played or sung...or try this...have a picture of the Prez, er Trump, on the big screens, while the Anthem is you hear and see things that are far worse than a kneel... Hmmm, Johnny Football got traded in the CFL.....

The Democratic Think Tank

I have been on a mission of bringing up the idea to the Horse World, that there needs to be an alternative EMERGING from the Democrats...and soon... the DNC (Demo Nat Committee) is NOT enamored with the odds on leader, Bernie Sanders...they weren't in 2016, thus the fall of the election... they propped up Hillary for yet another misguided run... Buried within the party is a slow rising group of their leaders, er, MONEY ...which has been aptly named 'The Third Way ' ...(this is a correction)...they had their first big gathering ...cohosted by Winston Fisher , a name that will ring a bell for some of you...on the lines of Warren Buffet...their mantra is 'Opportunity 2020' essence, a moderate THINK TANK for the rest of the Demos, who are not as polarized as the group that Bernie leads...ah ha... Follow THEIR money, the Horse thinks from THIS group, will be the candidate that the DNC will shove down our throats...well, down the Demo's t...