
Showing posts from November 1, 2020


BREAKING NEWS .. .the Philadelphia votes put the Pennsylvania state to ... Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ... as the new Prez and Madame Vice Prez!!!! With all signs pointing ONE DIRECTION ... the country awaits somebody, some source, some TV station, ANY body to come forth with the obvious...the nation has spoken... the will of the people is there ...with over 4 million difference in the POPULAR VOTE ...some body, other than moi, THE HORSE , shall call this race OVER!.. .I did so, yesterday morning ...awaiting some one else to follow suit... BIDEN/HARRIS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not willing to accept defeat , trump , turned on his negative flappers...huddled up with the leftovers of his campaign... trying to find some way to disrupt the outcome ...any thing that might stick...throwing crap everywhere...alas, even the party that he has been holding ransom, has begun to turn on him...the hot rumor, was that he was going to barricade himself in the White House. ..c'mon, no way... When N...


The painfully slow count of the mail in ballots ...has added high drama to this election, don't you think?... most states have their own interpretation of how this was to be handled ...for those, who chose to wait until the actual date of Nov 3 to start the process, that just increased the is apparent that the Democrats were the ones that voted first...thus, the mail in ones ...fearing the non count of their votes...due to trump's threat of closure of the mail know the fear and the story... He then felt like, if he could have them not counted...a way to suppress the vote...he wanted them void, if not opened that day, Nov 3...of course... another way of manipulation to retain his throne. ..alas, the states were not having it...and they are being counted...all of them... the results are remarkable! ... 'out of sight' for Joe Biden , and devastating for trump ...and he is putting on a show, that only he can... Theatrics ...throwing out lawsuit...

All Consuming

The story is not over, kids ... the journey of the Horse carries on ...on Tuesday nite, it was on a survival mode ...perhaps, a reality check... the fate of a country at hand ...I had difficulty figuring out how that half of the USA actually could follow...and VOTE for a person like trump ...listen, I still have that query...but, it's not half, but purnt near... with all his faults, and blatant disregard for presidential qualities. ..that a world, not only us, judges on a daily basis... I am repeating myself understanding of the Republican Party , I get.. .not trump's version of it .. .his usage of the people, scares the living heck out of me ...still there is a splinter group trying to raise ruckus, wherever voting sites are still counting the ballots...must be on his orders...and the greedy lawyers, willing to sell their file frivolous the courts, as a last gasp... to have votes NOT COUNT! ...who does that?...the president? ...yes,...

The Nite Before...and now DAYBREAK

BREAKING NEWS:  6:23 am. Biden just pulls ahead of trump in Michigan! At 10:00 pm, the Nite Before, I wrote... "It appears the will of the people, is different than mine...obviously...we are in the minority...I don't get it...but, I will try my best to live with the decision...egads...the numbers...ah, yes, the numbers...went to trump...he used the dangerous revival as his tool...and it worked...I can't go too much in depth...but, at the peril of his base...the result was worth the journey?...for him, always for him...yes... I am writing this before the finality of the west votes...I don't know the popular vote...which doesn't mean diddly in the system we's the Electoral College...the magic number of 270...I just reread this...I am talking about the trump/Biden presidential race...ha ha... Now, in the interim, we must take a good look at the path of the politicians...most people, vote straight party lines...regardless of the candidate...I guess we a...

It's Now Or Never

I kept on a thinking...maybe, just maybe...I might swing one or two more people into getting out and VOTING! I kiboshed the notion of just putting one word for me blog today ... VOTE!! ...yes, it is a must that YOU get on out to the polling site, and cast your ballot.... Ass-u-me ... nothing you see, It's Now Or Never , to change the present path of the current inhabitant of the White House... There are fears that if he loses , he will have his vigilantes tear up the cities whatever he can, to get the vote overturned...unfortunately, it could be his plan...he finally has one...this is part of the division that he has created in our country...I still can't believe that he has that many people that buy into his crap...I get the rich tax increase...but, the others?...why?...they get NO benefits...other than a free trump flag and maga cap ... BTW, he has built a wall ...not the one that he has boasted about for 4 years...that one is partially done,...

One More Day

This brutal election season is coming to a close... ONE MORE DAY! ...and we have the voting in person to this is not a National Holiday , is beyond me...another glitch in the system...the stats as of yesterday, predict above last time...the numbers...will it go over 62%?...still amazed that 38% of the possible voters, DON'T! ... I'm never awed by the tactics that trump and his cronies (family) dream up...surprised?...yes... his latest, in a long line of sabotage . ..have his forevers, get in their cars and trucks...and block passage ways ...freeways, key streets...anything to KNOW they will do whatever they can to intimidate the voters tomorrow...anything... what else is on their agenda? ... One thing about huge orange ...he is getting bigger, by the relying on a trench coat to keep in the package...with all of his revivals, and he has had a bunch...he wings it...often...and let out that he probably will fire Dr Fauci, once the election is...

The Calm...

What more can happen prior to this election? ...the entourages are all over the 'battleground' states ...spewing their goods and services at the select few who brave the Covid to listen...some are carrying their passion too far... witness the forevers blocking the Biden bus in Texas ...why always in that state?...I ponder... yes, I have had mas...the word is out, dudes...we get it...there is nothing that you are going to say, to sway me from where I'm at ...reckon, that is the word for 99.9% of the others...this truly is... The Calm Before The Storm! ... A peaceful Sunday ...oh yea, and I did forget to turn the clocks, fall back ...why oh why do we do this?... I'd rather have more light after 5, than before 6 am ...just saying...and yes, this is the beginning of November...which means...that I have to pay them bloody bills today much for being peaceful...BTW, how was your Halloween?...rather tame here at the home...did hear some party stuff...