BREAKING NEWS .. .the Philadelphia votes put the Pennsylvania state to ... Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ... as the new Prez and Madame Vice Prez!!!! With all signs pointing ONE DIRECTION ... the country awaits somebody, some source, some TV station, ANY body to come forth with the obvious...the nation has spoken... the will of the people is there ...with over 4 million difference in the POPULAR VOTE ...some body, other than moi, THE HORSE , shall call this race OVER!.. .I did so, yesterday morning ...awaiting some one else to follow suit... BIDEN/HARRIS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not willing to accept defeat , trump , turned on his negative flappers...huddled up with the leftovers of his campaign... trying to find some way to disrupt the outcome ...any thing that might stick...throwing crap everywhere...alas, even the party that he has been holding ransom, has begun to turn on him...the hot rumor, was that he was going to barricade himself in the White House. ..c'mon, no way... When N...