Saturday in the Park
Not sure if there is a more invigorating song for this day, than Chicago's 'Saturday In The Park' we bask in near perfect 80* weather down here in south SoCal ...yup, took them noodles out and dipped ourselves in the pool...we have this policy (at the home), that you must reserve a lane for lap swimming...well, us noodlers have rights,, the Horse is calling for a noodle lane ... NOODLES NOODLES NOODLES!!! ... Your guy trump , has indeed seen the finish line ...after all...ah, not conceding mind you ...just seen the line...and as I thought out loud yesterday, he wants a big sendoff ... 'huger than ever before' ...seeking a military one... as the staffers of the White House want him outta there ... sayonara...see ya...don't let the door hit you in the arse...exit, stage right ...listen dude, no tears...just a TG you are gone...yes, he wants a good bye, the morning of the Biden/Harris inauguration... I say, get the rail ... IFF, a ma...